
What have you pawned when you are short on cash?

by Guest55727  |  earlier

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What have you pawned when you are short on cash?




  1. My cat

  2. never really pawned anything.....i have taken a few items back to the store though and got my money back....or when i was in high school me and my friend used to steal games from wal mart and sell them to gamestop.....yeah i was a rebel without a cause....both of our families are well off too. guess we just needed a thrill!

  3. usually just myself.  i bring the flour and he brings lovin' glove

  4. bags of weed

  5. my dad has pawned movies and cds.

  6. nope, usually not short on cash  

  7. I pawned my neighbors kids once and I lost the claim ticket

    boy was that embarrasing!

  8. My B/F pawned his 23yr old Saxaphone his grandfather gave him when he was small. He never got it back.

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