
What have your children done lately that made you excited?

by Guest64531  |  earlier

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Friday afternoon me and my daughter were sitting on the floor playing. She was a few feet from me. She stood up, by herself which I have never seen her do before, and walked to me! I was so excited. Ever since then she has been standing up on her own and attempting to walk, but most of the time she just falls.

So, what have your children done lately that made you happy/excited?

Also, how old is your baby and what words are they saying?

My daughter is 13 months old and says: Baba for bottle, baaa for ball, paaa for puppy, dada and hi.




  1. My baby is still really little (2 weeks today), but last night, she cried with tears!  It was so cute!  Now, she has done it a few times.  It breaks my heart.  But it is so adorable at the same time!

  2. My six month old son waved for the first time the other day!  I was so excited, you would have thought I won the lottery!

  3. awww I'm so happy! YAY for Ava!

    Sarita has learned TONS of words lately, is already playing pretend (feeding her dolls and stuff) and she now counts from 1 to 10!

    Good to know from you

  4. My son just turned 9 months and when we play on the floor, I crawl next to him and he crawls following me...somtimes I go in circles and he follows if I zigzag he follows, if I stop he's just the cutest thing.

  5. Not my kid but my cousin Lola she is now saying book and drink and I was so excited that she did it. So yeah, she says book, drink, and boah for ball and she's almost 14 months (on the 18th).

  6. My daughter crawled across the floor yesterday for the first time!  and then today she pulled herself up and stood up in her crib.  She is 10 months old today!!  and says Mama (first word), and dada.  and just does a lot of screaming vowels in between!  

  7. my oldest (3 in november) is finally in regular undies, she's had no accidents for a couple of days (yah!) and my youngest (5 months tomorrow) rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time yesterday. where does the time go? i love my girls!

  8. Awww, I can't wait until my kiddo is 13 months!!!

    My 10-month old just started rolling the ball back to us!  He has better hand/eye coordination than I do!!! LOL :)

  9. My son crawled last Thursday for the first time and he also got moved up to table food. They grow up way to fast. Seems like just yesterday I was getting the green light for Stage 1 Foods and now its Table Food. Man where does time go!

  10. Julianne is 13 months tomorrow...she is standing and walking and running all over, it is so cute! The words she is saying are ball, mama, dada, no, mine, and a few more. She can point to her nose and eyes and ears which was such a big milestone! Then the other day I asked her to get me her ball and she walked right over and got it!! It was so cool. So then I said where is your cuppy....get Momma your cuppy....sure enough she went after that too! Brought it right over to me! She "fetches" anything now. It is funny to see her look all around the room and then zero in on the thing she is looking for. Then she is so satisfied with herself....

    Then today something happened that made me tear up. It was nothing huge but it was one of those times you just realize how big they are getting. We went to eat at a Chinese Buffet and we forgot her cuppy. SO her Daddy tried to give her a sip from his straw ( root beer...not a good choice but he is her Daddy so I stayed quiet....I figured she wouldn't get it anyhow!)....after a few failed tries sure enough my little girl took a big gulp from that straw. It wasn't a fluke either...she got it first try!! Silly me teared up....but it was a first and there are so few of them that you actually take note of!

    That's all, take care, Mandy

  11. wow, her 1st steps! How exciting!!!

    My son started to sit unsupported! He could do it for a minute or 2 but now he can sit forever! He looks so cute, like a big boy =]

    He's 6months old & babbles a lot but doesn't know what he is saying yet, he says bababa, dadada, boo-boo, Goo-goo, wawa, mamama.. He also LOLs like a champ

    God Bless

  12. My little guy is only 7 weeks, but he is becoming more vocal everyday and smiling more too....I love it! :)

  13. Aww, I cried when my daughter 1st walked to me. That was 5 months ago and now she's running all over the place.

    Just this past weekend we were in the store, my husband was pushing her in the cart and she spotted me down the other end of the isle and I hear "MOM, MOM, MOM". It was the cuties thing in the world! We have been working on saying mommy.

    My daughter is 17 months old and says atleast 50 words (no sentences yet).

  14. My 7 month old daughter just started crawling last week! It was so exciting, she is pulling herself to a stand on the coffee table already - I fear she will be walking before long... CONGRATS on your baby walking! How exciting!!!

  15. My son is eating table foods.  He has been eating solids since he was 4 months old but I just switched to regular foods.  I will cut up things like chicken into small pieces and he will chew/gum what I give him.  It is exciting to see him eat like a little person.

  16. My daughter just started holding her arms up to me when I hold mine out to pick her rewarding!

  17. My son, 5 months, is trying to make words and talk to us.  I think that he believes he is having a conversation with us. When you mention his sister's name he looks for her and when he sees her, he smiles.

    My daughter, 5 yrs, is starting kindergarten in 2 wks.  I'm excited and dreading it all at once.  I'm going to be one of those moms crying in the car after she walks into the school.  I had to take the whole day off of work because I know I would not be able to concentrate.

  18. My son was watching barney this morning while eating breakfast so I could get some cleaning done..when he was done eating I said, "Tell barney bye bye" and went to turn off the tv and he started waving both hands saying "no no, noonooo!" I said, "You don't want mommy to turn Barney off yet?" and his response was "noo mama no no mama no!" I completely forgot to tell him not to tell his mommy no...I was so was the first time I've actually been able to have some kind of conversation with him...where I actually felt like he knew what I was saying! I called my husband and my husband just laughed.

    He's 10 1/2 months old and says mama, dada, night night, ook (for book), gaga for grandma, nana, and dog

  19. my 8 month old started crawling and a few days after started standing up on her own in the crib and along side the couch

    I just love these milestones

  20. My first baby gave me a positive pregnancy test! Okay- I know my answer doesn't really fit with the others, but it DID make me very excited!

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