
What have your experiences with marijuana been like?

by Guest64726  |  earlier

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I'm 17, and i have never smoked marijuana, but i want to try it. im going to do it with my friend Lizzy when she gets back from London at the end of this summer. So i was just wondering what your experiences have been with it - bad, good, ect. I know some people just dont like it... also, how old were you when you first tried it?




  1. When I was 14 I bought a little joint from a some fat kid at school, it smelled real strong like skunky. And went for a walk and sat down in the woods and tried to smoke it, It was really bad, It burned my lungs real bad, and I remember telling myself, "I'm never going to smoke again" I didn't get high, just coughed allot.

    Then when I was 16 I smoked out of a homemade bong with some guys that rode my bus, I didn't know what to expect, I thought I might get the munchies and feel happy. But after two hits, my heart started beating real fast and I shaked a little bit, the first hit actually numbed my lungs so it didn't hurt at all. They left for awhile and I was by myself. And I was sitting there, and all of the sudden, I looked around and everything looked weird. And I could hear things allot louder, the birds sounded really loud. They came back, and I noticed that they and I were talking kind of slow. Like really relaxed, yet that's not the best part of being high. I left their house and started to walk home.

    I remember feeling really heavy, and I started to feel warm inside, like after drinking beer. Then I heard one of my friends call out my name, I looked across the street and saw my friend, he was really blurry and it looked like he was really far away. I walked over and talked to him, he couldn't tell I was high at all. Then I started to walk home again. At some point, I started to see sideways, but I could walk perfectly fine, Then I walked onto main street, And I looked at the cars beside me and they started to move and their sound started to go in slow motion. With trails. Which was really cool. I tryed to move my hand in front of my face to make it go in slow motion but, it didn't work and I probably looked really weird, waving my hand across my face down the street. When I got home, I ran upstairs because I got cottonmouth really bad and drank out of the bathroom sink, then I went in my room and tried to sleep it off. I layed down and I kept on thinking that my mom would find me and would call 911. I got really parnoid. And I remember time was going really slow, like 5 minutes felt like 30 minutes. And when I closed my eyes to try to fall asleep, I heard this weird noise in my head like, a thumping noise. After about an hour it reared off and I was back to normal except later that day in the walmart it kind of looked like people were pushing their carts kind of slow.  

    My advice is if you do get high don't go to your parents house right after, unless their cool with it. And don't just sit on the couch, go for a walk, you might be able to see things the way I did. And don't over do it I only had two hits. And don't do it everyday because it won't be as good as the first or 2nd time.

  2. I've had some messed up times with friends, all in good fun.

    But it makes my paranoia and anxiety go through the roof... so I never smoke it any more.  I still support it as something people should at least try, but I don't like the effects much.  All my friends still blaze, and they haven't changed at all.

    It can't do permanent damage, and at least you're taking the time to research it and get opinions etc- most people don't do that.

    good luck with your first time... hope you enjoy it.

  3. I was 19 when I first smoked marijuana.  In the beginning, I wasn't sure if I was high or not (I only took a couple of drags).  I didn't actually realize I was high until I was watching a commercial and it felt like it went on for 30 minutes.  Or I would go pee and it would take FOREVER to finish.  My time perception was really off.  After smoking it a couple of times I became used to that sensation.  When I smoked with friends, we would often get the giggles and find the most ridiculous things hilarious.  And then, of course, there is the "munchies".  I could eat an entire bag of chips without even realizing it.  Some people just get really tired and end up falling asleep.

    If you are going to try it, do it responsibly.   Here is what I would suggest:  try it with a friend who has done it before.  Ask them to stay sober while you give it a try.  Start really slow at first so you know what to expect.  Give it about 30 minutes or so before you try more or they join in (you should feel the effects in 5 to 10 minutes max).  I wouldn't try it around a large group of people, as I often became paranoid in the beginning.

    I've found that the more I smoked, the less enjoyable it became.  I still smoke on occasion, but I no longer experience the giggles or euphoria.  Now it's just really relaxing.

    And in my opinion, marijuana should not be put in the same category as other drugs.  It's not addicting (to most people), you can not overdose and it doesn't cause any long-term side effects.  It's true that where you find marijuana, you often find more hardcore drugs.  I've tried many (ecxtacy, cocaine, shrooms, acid) - but always did so responsibly and discovered that I didn't really care for the intensity of the experience (I'm a bit of a light-weight) and don't care for "mind-altering experiences.  And I've met more people mis-using and addicted to prescription drugs, that are completely s******g their lives up, than I've met people with serious problems due to marijuana (again, it happens - just not as often I don't think).

    In my experience, you can rarely talk someone out of trying something they are determined to experience.  Which is why I stress the importance of doing it responsibly.  I had parents who rarely said "no", instead encouraging responsibility and awareness.  By doing so, I had no desire to be rebellious or push the envelope.  In the process I think I've turned out pretty okay...

  4. I was 13 when i first tried it. I went up to Milwaukee for a week to hang with my friends. My friend Sara, her brother was a Weed head. He bought an ounce that night. And i was only 13, and kinda scared to try it. Well he built a gravity bong and told me to try it. He lit it and i tried getting some, but it didn't work. Then i took a hit. Then another. A few minutes later i was high as ****. It was 2:30 in the morning. The street lights were shining. I was laughing at everything. I couldn't stop.

    That was 2 years ago. I smoke it now and still love it every time. Have fun.

  5. Go for it. You can get every pot-smoker to tell you about their experiences but everyone's different - you won't know what will happen with you until you try it for yourself.

    I personally love pot. I started smoking when I was 13, am 17 and I've been smoking on a daily basis for about a year now. The only downside I can think of when it comes to marijuana is money. If you want really nice, strong, clean stuff, expect to pay up. I haven't had any bad experiences when smoking but I'm pretty mellow when stoned. A few of my friends hate smoking because it makes them super paranoid, antsy or stressed out. Again, everyone's different.

    Definitely try it. Pot's without a doubt the safest high you can buy. It isn't addictive and can't be overdosed on. Just make sure to keep plenty of snacks on hand :) Happy smoking!

  6. Sometimes people will give you weed that has other stuff in it like PCP.  My dad said that the last time he ever smoked weed that he thought it was just regular weed, but that it had angel dust in it.  He didn't know where he was, he thought that he had been away from home for weeks, and all the street lights looked like super dark blackness spreading out, instead of light.  Scared the p**p out of him, and he never did it again.  

    My friends have done it, and it makes your hair really stink.  There is also extreme paranoia, like everybody is out to get you.  My buddy was driving around clutching a gun, becaue he thought that people were going to jump on his car as he was driving around, and he would have to shoot them.  I finally got him to give me the gun, because I promised that I would be a better shot than him because he would need to drive to get away, and couldn't shoot straight, and get away at the same time.  Not safe stuff to drive around doing.  Also, makes your eyes super red, and causes your blood sugar to crash, which gives you the "munchies" because you need to eat anything that you can to get your blood sugar stabilized.  So if you are diabetic, it could potentially be deadly.

  7. First time I got high, me and my friend realized my kitchen floor was slanted. It was f*cking hilarious. :P

    Sorry about all the anti-pot answers. They don't know what the h**l they're talking about :[

    Try it! Food tastes great, music sounds amazing, and everything is just wonderful :]

    Oh, I was 15 when I first tried it. My older sister let me take a hit... didn't affect me at all. Tried it again like 6 months later at a cast party, didn't affect me...

    and then I finally got high :]

  8. YOU'RE AWESOME, RENEE Z. good for you. experiment a little, you're 17, jeez some of these ppl need to take a f*cking chance.  have a little risk in their life. especially with pot, and you cant go wrong.

    my personal experience.  

    the very first time i tried it was with my friends at a party, we got a few friends outside, and too many people found out, and we only got one or two hits each.  that sucked.  i remember the fear, exihliration, and excitement all in one, watching the weed be taken out, the bowl packed, the lighter first spark on for the lucky green-getter. man, what a feeling.  i took my first hit, and it was a lot like i expected, the smoke was harsh, but i was man enough to hold it in and not cough in front of my friends.  i held it in as told, and after two hits my experience was over.  to be totally honest, i never got high that night, or the next 5 or 6 times i tried pot, which were all similar to that night- too many people, too little pot, wrong setting.  

    one more time, i told myself.  one more time, im going to sit down, and try my damndest to get high, because so far, beyond a little relaxation, ive never felt anything. if i dont get high this time, im going to stop pretending i enjoy this and give up weed forever.  i dont get why some of my friends do this every day.  

    so two of my closest friends and i went out to a park near my house.  it was winter, a few months after i had tried that first hit at that party, and i had a purpose for being there at that park.  it was midnight, with around 3 grams of weed and a piece, and the goal of getting high (they were regular smokers.) so i sat and after 10 or 12 tokes i said f*ck this, it didnt work. and as i got up, it was like i had wings, and as i tried stepping down the stairs of the playstructure we were smoking on, it felt like i had wings on that were flapping just hard enough to get my feet a few centimeters off the ground, like i was just barely touching the ground.  i started cracking up, telling my friends what i felt, and we all just sat down and had a five minute laughing fit.  it was hilarious, this fact that i felt like i was floating.  this was my epitome of smoking, i knew this was pretty damm sweet.  it was AWESOME.  after my friends reluctantly allowing me to drive myself home (DONT RECCOMEND IT WHATSOEVER, I ADMIT MY MISTAKE AND IN NO WAY CONDONE IT, HUGE MISTAKE), i turned on a jimi cd i had brought special for the occasion, but, unlike usual, the music sounded noisy and confusing, like it was just annoying noise.  i turned off the radio, put the windows down, and just enjoyed the music i could feel in the cool evening winter breeze.  i had been to that park countless times, but for some reason, tonite, i just couldnt find the way home, and it was only ten minutes from my house.  i was taking wierd backwards streets, going this way and that, and my internal compass was f*cked.  i had no idea which way was home, but at the same time, i knew where i was going. in the end, i arrived at home (coming from the total opposite direction, i might add) and went to bed.  i awoke the next morning and could still feel myself riding the minimal effects of the high, and was having the best time of my life. the sun shined brighter than it ever had, my bed was the softest it had ever been in my life.  that breakfast was the best meal ive ever had. i was in the best mood of my life, and i knew exactly why. additionally, i knew why people smoked every day.

    around one year later, here i am, and my grades have improved, im a happier, more relaxed person. weed did not cause me to drop out of school or wreck my family, i didnt overdose, i never developed and never will develop some terrible addiction, i still play football and rugby, and i still hang out with the same group of friends, although now i have a new group of friends in addition to the old ones.  i dont have cancer of the mouth, i have a short-term memory, i dont have emphysema, and no, ive never deflated onto a couch for days on end, or had my dog tell me they were dissappointed in me.  

    im also writing a book on the benignity of marijuana, applying to LANOMRL, writing letters to congressman and senators to legalize it, and educating myself on the benefits, and lack of problems that come from the good herb.

    i smoke every day (by choice) and quit for three months at one point as a personal reassurance that addiction does not exist, and not once during that quitting time did i have cravings for weed, suffer deppresion, or any of the other bullshit that they tell you (take that addiction conspirators).  

    pm me for more info if you so wish, this is a subject i feel very strongly about.


    ps. i was 17 when i first tried it too.

  9. dont even get started

    ive never tried it, never will

    it seriously screwed up my family

  10. I did sort of a lot in the 80's, never bought it, was just offered some at parties. I never could learn to like it, I would get really paranoid and then fall asleep. I finally gave up and didn't do it anymore. I guess you could say that the REAL first time I tried it was when I was 10 years old (in 1967). We stole a joint from a hippie sister of one of my friends and took it into some woods to try it. We all so scared, we thought we would freak out or try to climb a tree and fly or something. We lit the thing up and all had a puff, but none of us were brave enough to actually inhale....LOL

  11. I can't believe all of these answers!!! Weed absolutely does not come laced with "angel dust" and you simply cannot wreck your family from weed alone. People use weed as a scapegoat for their problems.

    I started smoking when I was 12, and I have never looked back. Food tastes better, it's easier to relax, you giggle and view things with a new perspective. But, it is still just weed. It grows from the ground, not formed with chemicals in a laboratory.

    I am a great example of how you can smoke weed and still function as a normal human being. My parents smoke and they make $200k a year! I work at a law firm making very good money as well. Weed doesn't make you burn out. You make yourself burn out.

    I say smoke your heart out. Smoke a ton. Smoke 10 bowls in 10 minutes. I mean, you can't overdose. You just get higher!

    I do hope that all of these wacky answers everyone has left you doesn't deter you from wanting to try one of the most amazing feelings in the world. I have smoked every single day for the last 4 years and I am very happy and energetic. I just like to party!!

  12. I had a friend in school that used drugs and he overdosed one night and called me to help him. I took him to the hospital and they couldn't help him, they aren't equipped to fix what people do to themselves with drugs. So after that eye opening experience I never had the desire to experiment on myself and I have never regretted it.

  13. mine were great, i had a really fun time, i was laughing my *** off and just having fun with friends. Make sure your in an environment that you feel comfortable around, because you can become very anxious, i one time was in my neighborhood at night, and i got so nervous that i started to rock back and forth in the fetal position hoping not to be caught, lol. but my other times, i have had laugh fests over nuthing, lol haha. make sure to do it with at least like 4 or 5 friends, it makes it really fun.

  14. It's stupid to try. I tried it in pill form once to see what the h**l the big deal was. I felt like h**l and got no pleasure. I have seen two good friends just try it and before I knew it they turned into pot heads and have just really completely turned into total losers who lives are going nowhere. It isn't worth it. Don't waste your time.

  15. try it. get the "try" out of your system. then understand, it is illegal, and getting busted and causing you to have a record isn't worth the high. i've tried it, i've sold it.  it's just not worth the hype.  it won't make you crave other drugs but, it does put you in company of people that will have other drugs for you to try.  some of these like meth can kill you the first time you try it.  it is also very addictive.  when you do try your marijuana high please be safe.  be somewhere you can hang out, and not have to go anywhere after you use it. it can effect you just like an alcoholic beverage, so you don't need to be driving.  

  16. yes dont try it,like the person above me, it also wrecked my family!!!!

  17. i get really quiet and tired. i tried it for the first time when i was 14 or 15. sometimes i enjoyed it sometime i didnt. i've stopped smoking and its been like 4 months :)

    i have friends who have totally changed from it. some used to be really smart but now they're failing college classes and are really boring cuz all they do is smoke.

    but i also have some who know how to use it in moderation and live completely normal, go to work, do good in school and everything. they smoke daily but at the right times and not all day.

  18. Please DONT TRY IT......EVER!

    I started at 14 and smoked for 5-6 years. Smoking pot started a lifetime of problems with panic attacks, phobias and depression.

    I wish everyday that I never tried it.

    Please dont go down that road. Its the devil in disguise. It starts out as a bit of fun and a laugh but it never finishes that way. Pot will never improve your only leads to tears and unhappiness.

  19. I never wanted to do it when I was a kid, but many times I succumbed to peer pressure. And it wasn't enough to just take a hit or two, they

    wanted me to smoke the whole joint with them. I hated it. The worst

    part was having to go home. I felt embarrassed in front of my mom

    and dad, nervous that they would see I was high, and feeling ashamed.

    Sometimes I got pressured into smoking before school in the morning, and that was equally bad. It was terrifying sitting in class praying to

    God that the teacher wouldn't notice my red eyes and call me on it in front of everyone. The best thing about it was playing my guitar while

    high. My artistic ability improved beyond anything I could do otherwise.

    But overall, smoking pot was never worth it.  I seemed to lose my mental sharpness for a couple of days after smoking pot.  The munchies are absolutely horrible. It is impossible to fill the void

    that the munchies bring on.  I was probably 16 or 17 when my

    neighborhood friends started getting into drugs.  I was the only one

    out of all of them who finished high school.  It is very hard to focus

    on school if you are a stoner.  

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