
What headphones are cheap and block out a ton of noise?

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im traveling soon...and ill jump out of the plane if i have to listen to a baby scream for 3 hours




  1. The BOSE have the best noise canceling system, however the base model costs in excess of $250 us. When I checked them over they did seem to be a bit flimsy for that kind of money

    For around $50 I purchased a pair of SONY noise canceling headphones.

    During a flight cross country I used the SONY with my iPod and had very good results.

    They won't block every noise completely but they will reduce much of the surrounding noise and muffle the constant droning of the airplane engines.

  2. I really like my Shure earphone style ones.  They fit in the ear canal like an earplug- come with a bunch of different fit kit options- and the sound quality is excellent.  I have used them on long flights and hear nothing but the music!!  They are about $100.

  3. Then fly in a noisier aircraft, you wont be able to hear a baby crying. Seriously. Or you can just get some of those cheap ear plugs, unless you want to spend $400 on some Bose headset.

    I fly all the time, and seriously, I dont even worry if Im flying on a noisy plane like a dc-9. Otherwise, I just put on a set of regular headphones and they block out anything else.

  4. bose makes a good set.. then they have an exspensive set that blocks out everything... but the lower priced set is good also

  5. I have a pair of noise canceling headphones from Radio Shack that work reasonably well.  You do need to be careful to make sure you turn them off when you put them away or the batteries run down.  They were much cheaper than Bose, which are quite popular with business travelers.

  6. Check out Best Buy or Target...they have these really cool ones that are called Skull Candy or something. They come in cool colors and sound AMAZING. Pretty cheap too! I don't hear a sound when I wear mine. And I do a LOT of flying. They work so good that when I flew from LA to Honolulu, I didn't even hear the pilot saying that we were about to land. And I was awake! =)

  7. Probably BOSE headphones, they're probably $20 U.S.D. and work really great. [I said probably, because I don't know what part of the country you're at.] You can find BOSE products at, and you'll find them cheaper at eBay.


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