
What health benefits have you personally had w/ Acaia berry?

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What health benefits have you personally had w/ Acaia berry?




  1. Acai is a fantastic antioxidant... it helps to protect the cells of your body from damage. Some of our customers take it on a regular basis to keep from getting sick in the first place, and some of our customers take it when they get sick to shorten the duration.

    The taste is the only drawback as some love the taste and some hate it. It can be an "acquired taste" if it's not mixed with other fruit juices to help the taste.

  2. I have not felt any effects but I am taking it as an insurance policy.  If it truly can reduce the chance of certain cancers and slow down the aging process than I am in-for life!  The acai I use is in a blend with18 other fruits and glucosamine.  So the taste is actually really good and I have felt a difference in my joints from the glucosamine, although my reduced joint pain may also be from the natural anti-inflammatory effect of all of the fruit it contains. is where I purchase it from.

  3. Well, I hear it is an antioxidant, I just can't get past the taste (blergh).

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