
What health problem could this be?

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OK well my mom said everytime she walks on her foot between her big toe and the toe next to it she feels like she is stepping on something i checked her foot and i saw that there was something kind of hard but not too hard more like very soft and its not a u think this could be calcius? but it doesnt look like it.

she's also a diabetic..




  1. Possible hairline fracture in her foot. Best bet is to ALWAYS go and see your physician. They are WAY more experienced in this field than Yahoo! Answers would ever be.

    I did forget to mention, that as a diabetic, she will not be able to fight any kind of infection really well. Her white blood cell count is probably low due to diabetes. This will keep her from fighting infections correctly. So, if this has nothing to do with a fracture or break, then you really need to take her to the physician. Reason being, I have a friend, and just recently had to have emergency surgery on her foot. She is diabetic also, and didn't think anything of her injury to her foot, because she just thought she stepped on it wrong or something. Then she went to the hospital, and they found that the foot was infected and she could have possibly lost her toe(s). She is still in the hospital getting everything taken care of, but to redirect to your mothers issue, you really need to take her to the physician just to make sure nothing like what happened to my friend happens to your mother.

    Good Luck!

  2. sounds like a veruucca

  3. i have a friend who has exactly the same problem, although she had an x ray recently it did not show anything, so she has to see the orthopaedic doc next week, has mum had an x ray as the first step?

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