
What healthcare is available if I get sick or have an accident in Austria?

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What countries does austria have to provide healthcare to foreigners specifically on vacation there. Is the healthcare free? What documentation do I need? Where can i find comprehensive information on health care for non EU members in Austria? Many thanks




  1. Austria has socialized medicine, which is usually related to peoples' job or social status (like pensioner).  For foreigners, there is plenty of adequate healthcare, but it is not free.  (Health care isn't free for Austrians, they pay for it through their high taxes, so why should it be free for people who never contributed?)  There are exceptions for emergency care for people who genuinely cannot afford to pay.

    I did some searching on the net, and did not find information for non-EU travelers.  Your best bet is probably to get insurance  through your own country if you are truly worried.  The reality is that most tourists without serious chronic health problems need very little health care, and it's fine for us to self-insure.

  2. The witch doctors all thy have

  3. I recently returned from Austria and before I left, I found really affordable travel insurance through AAA.  I think it was something like $40 for my wife and I for two weeks.  It's the first time I've ever purchased travel insurance (we go to Austria quite often as my wife is a native) and I didn't need it thankfully, but I felt better knowing we had it.

  4. The best would be to contact the Austrian Embassy in your country as health care matters are often regulated on a bi-lateral basis.

    You can use the below link to find the Austrian Embassy in your country:

    (It's partly German)

    Also check with your health insurance if you are covered when travelling abroad. It might be that you have to pay in Austria and get it refunded at home by your insurance.

  5. I checked the web site that the person above me suggested


    Es besteht kein Sozialversicherungsabkommen mit Österreich. Der Abschluß einer Zusatzversicherung für den Krankheitsfall und Krankentransport wird - schon wegen der wesentlich höheren Arztkosten - nahegelegt. Dies gilt vor allem auch für Krankentransportflüge, die von mehreren österreichischen Gesellschaften angeboten werden."


    !!There is no treaty for social security.!! Obtaining insurance is recommended in case you fall ill or need transportation. This applies especially to transport of patients, which are offered (covered) by several Austrian insurance companies" (this is advice for Austrians going to the US on a vacation - but since it is true, such agreements are bi-lateral, it applies to your case as well.

    Edit: I just did what I criticize about everybody else: I assumed you are American - sorry :))

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