
What help common man can give to civic athorites to make their city clean?

by Guest61595  |  earlier

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one day rain and some metro cities are is so painful to see beautiful cities of india growing dirty day by day.




  1. Being a responsible and civilised citizen , its the responsibility to help the civics authority to keep the city clean and beautiful. You shouls not throw the garbage on roads which finally blocked the sewer lines and caused water logging.

  2. Littering is disease of the Indians. They must be fined if they are found to be throwing the litter and garbage on the street. Nothing helps like stringent penalty.

  3. If he keeps himself clean that is a great contribution.

  4. Yes it is sad to see India becoming the dirtiest city in the world. i

    I left India  to make her clean.

  5. ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.

    To start with Plant a tree each year and ensure it survives

    Use Jute Bags i/o Plastics ( Plastics will start degrading 50000 years later ) > most of the choking drains are due to plastics

    Recycle Garbage like Aluminum Cans .

    Segregate garbage at home like Food , Plastics .

    Do not dump garbage except in proper places.

    In your area form an RWA (if not formed) and practice what you preach for cleanliness etc.

  6. We as common persons always remain ahead in law breaking.

    Govt. make law we break them before implementation. Instead of adopting it first upon our self we always give advice & raise slogans for others, to do this, not to do this etc etc............

    Is this not our fault that we do litters everywhere due to lack of common sense & lack of awareness inside our brain. We eat eatables & throw their packing outside our cars, parking places, picnic spots & public places.

    We go outside in vacations specially on hilly areas & sea beaches. What we do there, we all know............ plastic water bottles, beer cans, chip packet wrappers etc always be found everywhere.  We all are responsible for these types of misdeeds.

    Is this not our fault that we do encroachment outside our shops & residential areas, preventing the civic & local authorities to smooth cleaning of open & underground pits, sewerage etc.

    Being public it is our duty to help the Govt to make our city neat & clean. We should avoid use of plastic packing which always choke our sewerage system.

    Certainly this is a duty, not a sin. "Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness.”

    It is a state of mind.  We should give it to our child in the early years. Starting from our own houses, We should encourage them to extend their cleanliness beyond this level. From the very starting years we should set down some rules for them. Children have to be strictly warned again littering & spitting at roads. We should be role model  for them. This can only be possible if we tell them the importance of cleanliness starting from houses. Children will imbibe cleanliness only if they see their adults following the same standards. Parents should therefore never bypass the rules.

  7. first of all, like "charity begins at home". similarly cleaning also begins at home only. we should try keep to our soceity clean

    - we should be active and strong enough to stop our self and  others to make nuisance in public places.

    - we make many resolutions but don't implement them. can you summarize the percentage of the people who properly dispose their eatable waste[wrapers,plastic bottles etc.]in a proper way?

    on my personal experience I can say that out of 100% only 10-15% person dispose their eatable waste properly.

    -force civic authorities to do their work and this can be done only if you are aware about  your "fundamental rights&duties"

    some common tips by which we can help the authority:-

    - planting trees

    -disposing waste in respective dustbin that is blue dustbin for non- biodegradable and green dustbin for bio-degradable waste.

    -try to use more public transports as much as you can.

    one main point can be this one that we have to make awarness in ours elders and Juniors as they are the future of our country.

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