
What helped you gain confidence as a driver the most?

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I am just barely feeling like I'm ready to start driving it has been a phbia for me.What tips do you have to to comfortable with driving?




  1. The most?

    Driving a Fire engine.

    What really helped before that was that my parents were good teachers. And I knew that I was in control of the car, not the other way around.

  2. Start out driving in small towns with little traffic, then comfort will come to you over a short amount of time.

  3. Practice makes perfect! Start out slow and try to drive as much as possible with an adult that doesn' t yell or stress you out. Also try not to do anything else while driving, even listening to music can be stressful. Small towns and speed limits under 45 are the best way to start out. Even driving around in a parking lot a couple times before getting out onto the road can be helpful.

    Good luck! Stay confident in yourself.

  4. My parents, who let me drive nearly everywhere we went when I had my permit. By doing that, it clearly showed they had confidence in me, and I wasn't about to let them down. And that's what gave me confidence in myself.

    I did the same thing when my kids had their permits. I let them drive in every circumstance imaginable, and it worked just as well for them.

  5. First of all, if you take some lessons from a Professional Driving Instructor, you will develop more confidence just knowing what to do and how to do it properly in traffic situations.

    Then you need to put this information into practice until you feel confident and skilled enough to take a road test.

    The average person takes approxiately 60 to 70 hours of practice, in addition to 10 to 14 hours of Professional Instruction to develop adequate basic skills to operate a vehicle safely on the road.

    Begin practicing with a trustworthy licenced driver in a quiet area or a parking lot, getting used to handling the vehicle and developing hand-foot-eye co-ordination (steering, brake and gas, proper observation techniques).

    It takes time. It takes maturity. It takes patience. You will make mistakes. It's expected when you are learning.

    Enjoy it!

  6. Practice, Practice, Practice.

  7. Pay attention, try and relax but stay alert.

    Try and give driving your undivided attention, dont talk on the phone, text, put on make-up etc...

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