
What helps a scar go away?

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i just took out my lip piercing that i only had for a month and it has a lot of scar tissue how can i help it heal without a scar?

any home remedies????? something besides cocabutter




  1. apply garlic juice.its very effective.

  2. palmers bio oil. you can buy it from boots

  3. scrape it off and smoke it like meth heads do

  4. Honey! and honey makes your skin soft =] And if you know how to use it right it pulls out black heads =]

  5. This works great! Hope i was helpful!  

  6. Bio-oil. I got some really good scar serum from TK Maxx if your in england. Any Vitamin E oils as well. x

  7. The best thing to use is Mederma.  It is pretty expensive ($15 a tube) but since you are using it on a small area it won't be too bad overall.  The Pharmacists that I have worked with recommend this product because it produces ACTUAL results.

  8. umm did you try overthe counter stuff?

  9. you can consult your doctor. If he says the scar is permanent, nothing will help to let it go away, its gonna stay there until you die, but it will probably fade as you grow older. If it is temporary, you just have to let it rest. I had a temporary scar last time, i took some medicine just for the fun of it however, not only did my scar remain, it became swollen! My doctor told me not to take medicine as we like as it may have consequences we do not expect. Also, i have a permanent scar on my chin. Its way underneath so no-one can see. I got it 4 years ago and its still as new as ever lolz.

  10. hydrogen peroxide before it becomes a scar

  11. rubbing some vitamin E on it. if you dont have some in a tube, theres probally a vitamin E in your medicine cabinet, so you can just open up a pill and rub the liquid on it twice a day.

  12. place ice on it until it numbs, then you gently scrape it off (heat your hands in warm water first) and the blood wont escape. I know, I did that

  13. Bio Oil.

    Drink lots of water and keep up your vitamins. especially fish oil.

  14. the best answer is to use aloe vera.You can buy this at Walgreen's or rite aid ..I had a scar used this product a nd it went away fast

  15. AS A home remedies you can buy 100% Organic Shea  butter and use it every 2 days are 100% coca butter that works to

    Are try going to walmart i just brought this bio oil its good my scar went away  and i been useing it for about 8 and a half weeks you can also buy coca butter from walmart to buts best if its Organic  

  16. Probably icing it, that the normal way to reduce swelling and or numb off nerves. Repetitive applications of ice should see the tissue less swollen and thus smaller in size, therefore a smaller scar. But other than that, there is no real way to heal scars, they are memories that stay with you!

  17. vitamin e. you can take vitamin capsules and poke a hole in it and rub  it on the pierced area. it helps with getting rid of scars had on on my face as it healed i did this and it didn't scar.

  18. Bio oil, it is very difficult to make a scar go away completely but this really does help to fade it

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