
What helps ease the pain of missing someone uncontrollably?

by  |  earlier

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I went to visit family for a month and i just came back home a few days ago but I've just grown so attached to everyone there and it really really hurts now that I'm back home cause i wont see any of these people for a long time. Every time i think about any one of them i start crying because it really felt like home there and now its just... gone. It hurts so much, what could help keep my mind off them? Please i've been crying for days now...




  1. Keep busy. Distract yourself.

    Keep in touch with them. It's not like hundreds of years ago when no communication was possible and people were completely separated from each other.

    But when not talking or writing to them, keep busy. If you have friends, spend time with them; if not, see about meeting people, and forming friendships.

    The pain will lessen over time.

  2. music, the thought that a world is a small place.........etc.

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