
What helps you to stay in your own lane while driving?

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Im 16 and Im an new driving. I just have a problem with staying in my own lane.




  1. concentration ,practice  using mid lines as reference

  2. It's really all about practice and concentration at first. Don't let your eyes drift to other things outside of the lane (and for goodness sakes- don't talk on a phone/read/put on make up) just drive. It's like walking, it becomes natural after a short time. You'll do fine, we've all been there. I recall being in driving training and drifting into a semi truck's lane while looking at someone else's car, and the instructor grabbing the wheel and saying "hey, let's not do that today." I started out bad, and turned out to be fine.

  3. the lines are a good start

  4. Holding the wheel straight, and practice. Don't worry, a lot of people never learn and the government still issues them licenses.

  5. Practice, in the old days remember how cars had hood ornaments, these actually served a purpose, from the drivers point of view if the hood ornament lined up with the line to the right of the car then you were perfectly centered in your land. some cars just have a hood ridge now that can serve the same purpose.

  6. Take a look in your side mirrors. If you see you're in between both lines on your right and left mirrors, you're good. Lanes are typically pretty wide and give you more than enough room to drive in.

    After a while you can just feel when you're in the center.  Keep practicing!

  7. Practice would be probably be a good answer.

  8. Try looking at the line on the left of your lane, and see where it "hits" your car.  In other words, looking out your front window, see where the line meets the engine.  Then use that as a guideline.   If it moves, you are swaying.

  9. AIM HIGH!  Looking about 10 seconds on front of you will help.  If you don't look far enough ahead you tend to hug one line or over correct.  Aiming high lets you use your periphial vision to keep you between the lines.  Most people have this problem when driving a vehicle larger than they are used to.  That is why you see a lot of SUV drivers crossing lines.

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