
What helps you whenever you have kidney stones?

by Guest66656  |  earlier

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What helps you whenever you have kidney stones?




  1. There are few pains (if any) that come close to the pain experienced with a kidney stone. If you've been unlucky enough to be diagnosed with this condition, then you understand that finding relief while your little stone moves seems inconceivable. Pacing, crawling, curling up in a fetal position, nothing helps. Here are a few methods that may help make your situation more tolerable.StepsDrink fluids. The National Institute of Health recommends that a person suffering from a kidney stones should drink 2 to 3 quarts of water a day. If you're feeling nauseous, try taking small sips as often as you can. This will help flush your kidneys as well as encourage that little mass to move.

    Apply heat. Get a heating pad and place on the

    side(s) experiencing pain. Additionally you can try getting into a hot shower, allowing the water to spray onto the afflicted area. These provide temporary relief, as they are methods of distraction for your body. The heat allows your mind and body to focus on an additional stimulus, taking the full focus off the kidney pain. The heat not only distracts the mind but also relaxes the tender, swollen muscles around the kidney. This allows some of the muscle tention to ease up, thus making it easer for the stone to work its way down.

    Look over the counter. Advil or another medication containing Ibuprophren will help with the inflammation caused by the stone (and can be used in addition to narcotics prescribed by your doctor).

    Rely on loved ones. Have someone rub your back or press their hand or fist firmly into the painful kidney. Do not be afraid to ask for help. This will also give your loved one a sense of being useful. Though you are experiencing extraordinary pain, your family and friends are experiencing the pain of not being able to do anything to help you.

    Cry out or scream. There is no shame in vocalizing your pain. Most grown men who have experienced kidney stones will tell you there is no worse pain, and some women even place the pain above childbirth. Letting your frustrations out does not make you a wimp in this situation! TipsRemember, the pain occurs when the flow of urine is being blocked by the stone - not when it is moving. If you are feeling extreme pain, drink more water. If this doesn't help, seek professional help. It has been suggested that cranberry juice or small amounts of alcohol may aid in the flushing process.  Good luck. :)

  2. wow what she said ^^

  3. Plenty of water helps for the pain.

    To dissolve kidney stones and flush them out perhaps you could try cranberry juice or some other dissolving medium that you might find in a web search for "kidney stones" + dissolve.

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