
What hepatitis is contagious?

by  |  earlier

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is it a, b,c, or d




  1. They all are.  Hepatitis C is the one that people talk about more because it's the only kind that there is no immunization for.  You can have vaccines for the other two.  Hep A is caught from a contaminated person's f***s (poo), Hep B is through blood contact and Hep C is blood, dirty needles and s*x (rare).

  2. All are contagious. A is the least to worry about, almost all cases resolve on their own with rest and fluids. B is cleared by your immune system 95% of the time, but in 5% of the cases it is carried chronically and makes you very sick, and can lead to liver cancer. C is harder to catch ,you need blood to blood contact, where B is carried in body fluids and is easier to catch. D needs B to develop, and D is rare in industrialized countries so don't worry about D.

  3. all of them but a and b r curable and c is deadly!:) hope i helpd!

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