
What herbal medicines, alternative therapies and vitamins can I use/take to help regulate my mentrual cycle?

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Ive been trying to conceive for 6 months now.. but I dont have regular periods therfore I dont no when Im ovulating. i really want a cycle of 28 days.. it would make thins alot more easier for me




  1. Maya abdominal massage is a natural therapy that can help to regulate your cycles to improve your chances of conceiving. I used it to finally help me conceive my daughter after 18 months of trying with no success. MAM works wonders. Not only did it help me to conceive but since the birth of my daughter my periods are wonderful! No cramping, no irregular bleeding, no PMS!!! After I conceived my daughter I knew I needed to become a practitioner of MAM to help others get pregnant as well. I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist who can now help women get pregnant by way of massage therapy! This stuff is great, please check it out!

  2. The herb vitex helps regulate your cycles.I recommend the herbal tincture. It gets into the bloodstream quicker.

    A good multivitamin.

    Evening primrose oil or borage oil taken everyday.I recommend borage higher in gamma lineoic acid. Take about 2000mg a day.

    Magnesium is good for hormones and regulating them but don't just take magnesium alone combine it with calcium and vitamin D. I recommend a product called Natural Calm by Peter Gillham.

    I am not quite sure what is causing your cycle to not be regulated. But a new drug was developed called D-chiro-inositol and it is used for those who have pcos and other issues. Though i have never tried it I have heard some very good things about it. It is very pricey and it is recommended that you take 600 mg twice a day to help fertility issues.

    The website for it is Also there is a supplement that turns to d-chiro-inositol in the body if you take it and it is called d-pinitol also expensive. It is used in ayurvedic medicine.

    I would suggest that you try the other suggestions first before trying the d-chiro- inositol.

  3. I'm not sure about regulating it, but when you do get it, rasberry leaf tea helps ease the pain :D

    hang on . . . . . . . . . . . . this might help    good luck! x

  4. marijuana.

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