
What herbal supplements would help reduce the size of thick finger joints???

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I was in a car accident April of 2007 and I somehow cut my right ring finger during the accident. After the accident my finger was sore but i thought it was normal aches and pains from a car accident. Anyway, my finger was fine while in physical therapy but after I stopped physical therapy for the rest of my body I stopped for my finger as well. At that time my finger would pop every once in a while but I still had full mobility of my finger and it was a little swollen. Almost 1 1/2 years later my finger is really thick around the joints and when i try and i can't move the last joint on the tip of my finger at all. I have been told by a doctor that the only way to get the thickness down in my finger is to have surgery done to scrap away some of the tissue around my joints and that's not going to garuntee that it won't then do the same thing w/ scar tissue. I would like to know if anyone knows off any herbal supplements that would help w/ swollen and thick joins in my finger.




  1. There is no supplement that could do that... it's basically excess scar tissue and/or damaged tissue that your body replaced already. There may be one option aside from surgery, though... my Chiropractor uses a method called "Graston technique" that basically breaks up the scar tissue without surgery and that might help for you. I'd suggest calling around to local Chiropractors and ask if they are experienced with Graston. Good luck!

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