
What herbs are good for this illness?

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My sister has pain around her jaw and ears (and fluid in her ears), a stuffy nose, and massive fatigue. What herbs could I give her to help alleviate these symptoms?

Btw we already went to the doctors and they didn't know what they were saying so our last resort are herbs.




  1. Yeah..  Sounds like some kind of infection..  Go to another doctor..  Herbs wont help with infections and if thats the case and all you do is resort to herbs she can have serious problems as a result..

  2. Find another doctor.

    In the meantime, steam-therapy for her head cold symptoms will help.

  3. Cut out all the sugar/sweets/sugary foods & drinks ALSO dairy! ASAP...including carbs that turn into sugar. It'll clear in a few me. Eat eggs, proteins, fresh veggies, little fruits, little whole grains (brown rice, barley, whole wheat pasta..NO potatoes)

  4. Go see another doctor, usually any kind of herbs, required much longer time to heal any illness.  You sister need attention now, don't wait............  Good Luck

  5. Are there any other symptoms? Those are some random symptoms.

    Anyhow, what may help:

    Oxygen Therapy - Cures fatigue and any pathogens causing the stuffy nose and problems with the ear and jaw. Hydeogen Peroxide Food Grade 35%, 1-10drops per day, diluted in 8oz/200ml of filtered {non-chlorinated} water, see the link to learn more:

    DMSO - Reduces inflammation, which may be associated with the pain and fatigue. Learn more here:

    Hope this helps.

  6. I think Nettle infusions daily are a good all over help.  Nettle does seem to help allergy symptoms and really gives you a boost.  You can buy nettle in bulk I buy from Mountain Rose Herbs, they are great... but of course you can always find someone local in your area.

    Is she eating healthy?  We eat so horribly in the states, stay away from fast food, sodas... anything with high fructose corn syrup in it.  Try to eat local and organic fruits and veggies, honestly sometimes just changing our diet can really help.  She may be allergic to something she's eating, maybe see if you can get her tested for food allergies.

    If you are interested in the Nettle Infusion... use 1 oz of nettle herb to 1 quart of water (distilled is best) use a canning jar, heat your water and put a butter knife in the jar when you pour the hot water in it to keep the jar from cracking.  Let it sit for at least 4 hours or over night,  drink daily.  You can add honey or agave nectar to make it taste better.  If you live in a place you can pick nettle, make sure you don't harvest after it's flowered.

    wishing your sister Health!

    Also acupuncture, or an herbalist in your area may be able to help.  I know there are some great VERY cheap people in my area, check with a school near you or maybe in china town?

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