
What heritage are you?

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I am German-Irish-Welsh-And Scottish (in decreasing order)




  1. English, Welsh, Scottish and French

  2. first generation polish american

    and thats it

  3. LIke 90% Mexican, then Italian, French, German, Irish

  4. Circassian, Turkish, Chechen

  5. I'm half irish and the rest is a mix of english and a bunch of other stuff.

  6. i am half mexican and half guatemalan.

  7. polish-american first generation also

  8. This question is boring-unoriginal-asked in a daily basis-boring (in decreasing order, hmm i think i mentioned boring before)

  9. mexican,white,and german

  10. Scotch-Irish on my Fathers family and English (England) on my Mothers family.

  11. Italien, French and maby some japanese some where in there.

  12. Im English, Irish, German, Dutch, Scottish, and 1/16 American Indian.

  13. My dad's side is Norwegian and my mom's side is from England and the Channel Islands.

  14. German/Israelite/Russian/Scottish/


  15. Lakota, Scottish, Welsh, and I don't know what else.
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