
What hi5 means???????????

by  |  earlier

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maybe i'm the only one who don't know what is that ,but seriously i don't know ,can you tell me about it ,thanks.

p.s:i know this is not the right section but i know from where i get a good answer .




  1. when u smack somebodys hand, when their hand is in the air.

    its also a children's tv show filled with educational songs and dancing.

  2. two people put one of their hands together in a kind-of clap. Usually when they're happy or excited


    " Dude! That ROCKED! Give me a high five!"


  3. jus give your friend a dap in the air

  4. hand to Hand Contact...

    also different Hi5's are up high, around the back, on the side, down low, ohh too slow..  

  5. Well it depends on where you hear it and who you hear it from.

    It could mean his,, or high-five

    it is also a kids website

  6. duuuuuh.

  7. hi5 means that you slap eachother hand high in the air.

    Since you put your hand high in the air and strech your hand to show your 5 fingers it got its name as high 5!

  8. it's when someone puts their hand in the air and you kind of clap it with ur hand and hi 10 means both hands because there are 10 fingers!

  9. It means high-five.

  10. i think its high five...cause you have five fingers and your slap them together up high???

  11. a way of saying hello... an informal hand shake

  12. You mean like a high five? Where two people slap hands?

  13. hi5 means you hold out your hand and clap it with someone elses hand.

  14. It's a social networking site like Facebook.

    There are a lot of Turks on there

  15. clap ur hand together with someone else in the air

  16. high 5 is when you and someone else put your hand in the air and slap your hands together.

  17. It means high five.

  18. it's a gesture of approval cool, awesome, way to go, etc

  19. it means alot of things. like nice goin'. dude that was awesome. c**p like that. could even mean hi. lmfao to answer one that was hilarious i laughed when i read it

  20. high five

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