
What high school class did you enjoy the most? be specific! (I'm planning my schedule)?

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What high school class did you enjoy the most? be specific! (I'm planning my schedule)?




  1. Math rules s9 do my languages portugues rocks

  2. i had most fun in soccer class.

    as far as normal class's go, i don't even care about the class, its the kids in it and the teacher that makes it fun. (i don't take school to seriously)

  3. I thought math was always the most exciting class for me. Especially when you go up higher levels and get the chance to experience really hard concepts and applications.  

  4. I find English to be fun...just because I'm a writer.

    What are your interests?

  5. french

    and computer apps

    but its really about what kind of teacher you get...

    try to find a little more about the teachers

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