
What high school stereotype would you rather your child become?

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You know, the usual high school stereotype -



Class Clown



I know there are more, but I can't think of them all.... :)

Would you rather your child be in one particular group in school or just be in a mix of everything?

Of course, I'm going to support my son no matter how he turns out, but I'm thinking he's going to end up being a sporty friendly class clown, LOL He's already in love with football, he loves everyone and he loves making people laugh - and he's only 9 months old!

What about you and your children?

And what are your thoughts of high school stereotypes?

Just thought this would be a fun type of question to start the day!




  1. I want my child to be what ever makes him or her feel the most themselves as long as they remain respectful, kind and stay out of trouble and keep good grades.  My parents thought because I dressed in black that I was depressed and hanging with the wrong crowd.  They eventually learned it was just my personal style and that my friends were wonderful and I kept good grades.  They soon accepted my look because I was still a respectful person.

    I will not allow the "hooker" look though :)  My children will at least respect themselves and their bodies enough to be modest.

  2. When I was in school, I hung out with the headbangers but really, I was kind of a "floater" who fit in anywhere. My older daughter is so fashion conscious, I think she'll be a "pop princess." My younger daughter is destined to be the class clown. She can't help it, she's just a goof like her dad.

  3. Very interesting question!!

    I think I would have to say that i would 'choose' for my child to be the jock/preppy/popular group.  I have totally superficial reasons though.  It's because I had fun being in that group in high school (a HUGE high school). I was a cheerleader and had so much fun that I would want my child to have the same fun.  

    I know that he/she could have fun in whatever group they were in and that not only one group has a great high school time, but I would just like to pass on all my high school experiences (well, maybe not ALL of them!).

    I have one teenager who is in this group and I have one who is more the quiet, reserved type.  I accept them both equally and I love them for who they are.

    I think that stereotypes in any stage of life (not just high school) are just a fact of life.  I might not agree with them, but it is part of living in a society.  They are an absolute.  You can try to fight them all you want.   But that only makes you part of the group that fights stereotypes...   :^)

  4. I'd like all 3 of my kids to be nerdy (scholarly) and sporty.

  5. I was going to say a mix of "sporty, friendly, class clown" and then I kept reading and you said the same thing, LOL!  If my boys are anything like me, they will be.  : )      

  6. Combination of nerd/class clown!  I love little nerdy boys who can make people laugh :)   I was a total jock in high school (things have changed!!!) and my husband was more your punk rock skateboarder.  I went to a teeny tiny high school where everyone dressed the same, talked the same,  looked the same, ugh.  I hope that Eli develops his own personality and doesn't worry about what others think about him.....even during those awkward teenage years.  I want him to be a confident person and will always empower him to think for himself!!!

  7. I already am the "cool" mom says Brooke's friends

    I have the pool, game room, playstaion, dogs, go-carts , and horses...what 9 yo little girl doesnt love horses?

    sporty, fun girl!!

    I want her to be loved by all. and hang out with her best friends!!

  8. Oh, good question!  Well, my son is kind of an "all of the above" right now.  He's really good at math, very outgoing and funny, loves sports, music, and has his own unique (and sometimes odd) dramatic flair.  So I suppose only time will tell which way he'll go.  Or maybe he will be some strange combination of all of them, I don't know.  I hope he's well liked by his peers, does his best in school, and isn't afraid to speak his mind.  I also want - or rather, I EXPECT him to be nice to everyone, and not to pick on other students.  Aside from that, I don't care if he's a star quarterback or the lead in the spring musical.

  9. My husband is 6'1" and Landon is already showing signs of being tall and skinny. So, I think he will be sporty and play basketball like his daddy did.

  10. Is it me or wouldn't everyone choose popular? lol... cheers!

  11. I would like her to be what she wants to be but I would perfer she be popular (but also be nice).

  12. it wouldn't matter which group he was in  and you would be better off if he were a nerd they get in less trouble then any other teens

  13. Hang onto that sense of humour - you are soooo  going to need it!

    what you want and watcha get are often polar opposites

    Aim for a stereotypical balanced life

    for yourself - most kids tend to work it out for themselves...happy parents

    may not an Einstein make....but the kids turn out ok with it  

  14. You know, I just thought about this the other day. lol My daughter is definitely a "people person", so I know she'll at least be social. I think I'd rather her be a mix of sorts and not lean into just one category. I'd like to see her be friendly to each clique, no matter who her "friends" are, if that makes any sense.  

  15. Whatever makes them happy.

    Pretty much the only thing that would make me sad is if they became the school s***k, or a superficial "mean girl" but I don't see either of those happening.

    I hope to teach them compassion so they don't turn into a "mean girl" and self-esteem so they don't turn into a s***k.

    My hubby and I were both sort of geeky musicians in school so chances are they'll follow in our footsteps but we have no regrets!

    I'd be happy if they were popular, but not if it meant selling out who they truly are or getting that way by being mean to others or s****..

  16. You know, I've thought about this and I don't really care what stereotype he falls into as long as it isn't the white "gangsta".  I would rather him have a 2 foot tall purple mohawk...anything but white gangsta!

  17. I was a mix and I want my children to be a mix too.

    Want my children to be able to have a all around personality who can associate with others, yet know the limits and boundries (stay away from drugs and bad drama type of people) as far as influence goes.

    If they have one particular group (cheerleading or playing baseball attends to have friends involve in the same thing) that is cool. As long as they are not the "valley girl" and " I am better than you are" atttidue. I will nip that in the buttocks as I don't believe in that behavior as right to do.

    As long as they are getting okay (we all get D's and C's once in awhile) grades, tries to get along with everyone of all sorts of stereotypes and is happy, then I am happy.

    I was in JROTC. I got labled a lot of things. Stuff that I felt I wasn't (s***s have s*x. I didnt but some how I was labled that by a few annoying girls who ended up pregnant before senior year lol) and things because of what I did/do (Cowgirl, "tree hugger") etc.  Everyone had an opionion about me and I learned to just intermix witth those who liked me and ignored who didn't.  

    I don't like labeles and I don't want my child labeled either.

  18. High school isn't very important apart from deciding which college to go to - so I'd say I'd like my kids to be bookish but not unpopular.  

  19. I would want my child to be whatever they felt most comfortable with, weather it be goth or skater, as long as they are happy thats all that matters

  20. Um, when my son reaches high school I don't want him to be any kind of stereo-type.

    I just want him to be happy and successful with whatever he does.  I don't think stereo-typing is a good idea.  Especially kids.  Life is hard enough without all the added static.  

  21. The All-Around, because they seem to be the happiest in life, able to deal with many situations and adapt.

  22. Studious and out going, well grounded and student council president.

  23. Well, in my high school i am kinda in the nerd stereotype. Well, in a way it's good because since your so smart, it would be easier to get into a good college and have a good and stable job.

  24. did u watch the movie "the breakfast club"? Id like mine to ne what they want to be

  25. Hmmm...good question.

    I think with my kids, we'll cover all the bases at some point in time. All of them love sports, especially my oldest. My 8yr is Mr. Social Butterfly...someone is always calling asking if he can come over and play or talk. My 4yr is smart for his age but his goal every day is to make you laugh/smile, no matter what he has to do. Having 3 older brothers and a younger one, who knows what my daughter will turn out to be. At 1yr, she would much rather do her own thing and hang out. Our youngest is still cookin' so we don't know anything about him yet. But in the end, I could honestly care less. As long as my kids graduate make it out of high school alive...

    I've seen though first hand how a quiet and shy 8yr boy can be Mr. Popular in high school or how the little 8yr girl who loved pink EVERYTHING can come to visit your classroom in 8-9yrs dressed in all black and ripped clothing lol. I love when my past students come's amazing how they change.

    Best Wishes =]  very cute baby btw

  26. I would love it if mine grew up to me band nerds. But, of course, they're loved regardless.  

  27. Haha...Unfortuantely you can't pick.  I wanted my first daughter to be a girly girl with dance and ballet, etc.... She was in sports big time.  My youngest daughter I was pushing for sports since my two boys in between are both in several sports, but not a chance.  She is in ballet, tap, jazz and chearleading.  So, doesn't really matter what you wish for because they all have special talents and believe you me, they find them.  Interesting question though.  Enjoy some of the answers!

  28. I don't have kids, but if I did, they'll probably be nerds supreme.

    My husband and I were both math majors in college, and we're the royal family of geeks. If genetics plays a role, our kids will probably end up being nerds.

    Since my nerdiness payed for most of my college education, I'll be ok with my kids being nerds.

  29. of course i will love my children no matter what, but i just hope they arent emo/goth! I think they will be more sporty because their Daddy and all of the males in my family are very athletic.

  30. I don't really care what group they fall into as long as they aren't mean. I know a lot of jocks who were really rude and stuck up and I don't want my kid to turn out like that. If they were a nice jock then sure haha.

    My baby isn't born yet so I don't know their personality! I just know daddy's and mine! I fit into whatever group I felt like I just kinda mixed and he was always labelled "emo" Things have since changed since high school but that's what it used to be :)  

  31. i am a teen myself and am the really smart girl of the school...but not really nerdy idk what i would be. (average?)

    I would want my own kid to be whatever they want to be. although...i would stray away from Goth/Emo ...and convince them not to.

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