
What highschool course should i take for a high paying job?

by Guest59150  |  earlier

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one which is well in demand?




  1. "High paying" is a relative term.  Some people think $10 an hour is a lot of money, others consider that "poor".

    The US Dept. of Labor was kind enough to compile a list of occupations that don't require a college education but only work experience and on-the-job training.  It's sorted by income.

    Understand though, those higher paying jobs with "manager" in the title don't go to fresh HS grads with no experience.  Also understand that times are rapidly changing and while most of those jobs don't "require" a college degree - people with college degrees will be competing with you for some of those jobs.

    A lot of jobs that went to HS grads a few years ago are now going to college grads and a lot of those manager positions are going to people that have both experience and a master's degree.

    If your HS has a vocational program;  good LPNs, plumbers, electricians, and vehicle mechanics seem to do pretty well finding a job with reasonable pay.

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