
What historical figure has been accepted by both genders as a true equalist?

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What historical figure has been accepted by both genders as a true equalist?




  1. I would agree with Jesus and MLK as well as John Stuart Mill along with the many nameless people who have fought for equality rather than female or male superiority...which, needless to say, precludes both feminists and masculinists.

  2. Ghandi perhaps?

    What of Buddha?

    Dunno - maybe martin luther king? doubt but never know.

    Doc kelly perhaps - he was renowned humanist and pacifist.

    Tho he died not so long back - apparently at his own hand.

    Albeit a reserved fellow - kinda lived up to the pacifist thing there.

    Sadly any one arguing for anything to match the rights of women for men wont be .. certain areas get sketchy and feminists (maybe not all) will decree them to be wanting to avoid responsibilty.

    @ideelog ... john stuart mill, lol reminds me of bruces philospher song by monty python

    @pagangrlz - ahh lao tzu, and the tao. Yep would have to agree there. Thankfully it does accept ones tao may differ from anothers tao. Funnily the true tao can not be spoken.


  3. No person has been accepted by 100% of people of either gender.  Jesus is probably the closest.

    Mentioning Jesus, God, or Christianity on this forum is the fastest way to pick up thumbs down.

    Well, as soon as I add that last comment, all the thumbs go up.  Maybe it's changing after all.

  4. Both Jesus and Gandhi were equalists.

    I haven't read much about her but there is also Lilith...Adams first wife. She was punished for wanting equality though and through using Lilith as an example, those equal values and any woman who wanted them were then considered evil and demonic :>(    


    Gender: Feminine

    Usage: Near Eastern Mythology

    Pronounced: LIL-ith (English)   [key]

    Derived from Assyrian lilitu meaning "of the night". This was the name of a demon in ancient Assyrian myths. In Jewish and Islamic tradition she was Adam's first wife, sent out of Eden and replaced by Eve because she would not submit to him. The offspring of Adam and Lilith were the evil spirits of the world.

    More about Lilith and the "begining" story...

  5. Equalist (chortle)?

    Is this the new gws name for a humanist?

  6. martin luther king jr. should be listed side by side with rosa parks... but there struggle was civil rights for everyone, when you fight for a race issue, it automatically encompasses both sexes and dosent seem to pick up the distinction of sexism as quickly as many other fights.

    purely religous figures are hard to pin down because they bring with them the gender roles adapted by their faith... so even by jesus being an equalist, he dosent really fit the puzzle here because judaism, christianity, and islam are all patriachal faiths, placing men in power. so a religious icon would have to represent those things.

    however in cases like mlk jr. where he was actually a reverend in a christian church... there was practically no barrier, or agenda soley focused on his faith, therefoere the cause and message was able to transcend to another level.

    if i were going to name one solitary equalist in all terms of the word i would likley say lao tzu.

    the tao de ching is equally accepted by all gender definitions...

  7. I would have to say Gandhi...or Jesus Christ. It'd probably be a male figure.

  8. MLK

  9. Alice B. Gottlieb, MD, PhD

  10. Jesus. He was a feminist.

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