
What historical or literary factors influenced Nietzsche's character, the Madman?

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What historical or literary factors influenced Nietzsche's character, the Madman?




  1. Nothing.  He was that...

  2. Nietzsche wrote "the madman who on a bright morning lighted a lantern and ran to the market-place calling out unceasingly: " I seek God! I seek God!"  Nietzsche's character, the Madman has some common grounds with Diogenes of Sinope who was a famous Cynic philosopher living during the time of Plato (the 4th century BC).  It was  said that he used to carry a lantern around with him in the broad day light in search of an honest man.

  3. Nietzsche’s works were written during the great upheaval in Germany. Warfare is madness, mans need to be master of his territory whilst being tolerant of the rights of others to live peacefully within that domain.

    Spiritual awakening is a greatly traumatising feat for some, and his works reflect his constantly changing ideals and responses to circumstances about him.

    Mankind undergoes many trials leading to a self awakening and the realisation of a greater sense and purpose of existence. Nietzsche must be understood, along with the socio and political environment he lived within.

    Each time I read his works the meaning changes as to what he infers or alludes to. Enjoy reading.

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