
What historical signifigance did Chinese Emperor Qian Long have?

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It us a part of my summer homework and I need some help. :)




  1. Maybe you should go to a website all about the Cinese Emperor Qian Long.

    3 reasons why:

    1. I don't have the answer (lol).

    2. You shouldn't really get your homework answers from anyone, you should research it or it would be concidered you not learning anything (but im not saying your doing anything bad at all). But this answer is ok because i'm not giving you the answer, im just giving you websites that may have the answer.

    3.Websites have way more information about things that people on yahoo answers do. They tend to leave out useful/good information.

    Here's some websites for this guy.

    This is a website that has stuff about him on it. Here's the exact link for the page:

    Here's a exact link for the encyclopedia page about him:

    Here's a exact link for a biography for him:

    Go to this on google for more links on him:

    I really truly hope I helped and good luck with the homework, I hope you get an A+ :).


  2. Qian Long was one of famous three Manchurian emperors (The other two were his grandfather, and his father)

    Qian Long ruled China over almost 60 years. And his era was considered to be the golden era of Qing Empire.

    During his era, China almost doubled its territory (bigger than modern China) Economic growth and cultural, academic achievements were also very impressive. Population almost doubled due to peace and wealth.

    But most of his achivements were possible because of previous two emperors genius. On the world hand, Qian Long made some fatal mistakes...and blamed for downfall of China after his death.

    1.He tried to hold too much power. Not just political power, but also control over academics and economy. Many great Chinese philsophers and authors suffered for having new ideas

    2.He made it illegal to commerce with outer world. He thought China had everything it needs.

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