
What hobby to stick to, guitar or art?

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I've given this alot of thought and i still can't come up with an answer...i would like some input on my situation

Im currently a senior in highschool. Im pretty busy with all of my classes, filling out scholarship applications, visiting schools,and social life.

I currently have 2 major hobbies aside from and guitar. I've invested so much time and money in the two that its very hard to choose which one i should stick to.

I've been drawing since i was little and Drawing to me is very tedious, but the end result gives me alot of gratification.

i started playing guitar about 2-3 years ago off and on. I absolutely love it. It doesn't even feel like work...I can just sit down and relax while doing something productive and beautiful.

Thanks in advance...any input is appreciated




  1. it matters on what you think

    art: good, dont know if you draw good, will it do any good for you? yes, art scholorships and transfering into different degree

    guitar: bunch of people know how, no off and on, will do any good? maybe, if you get a talent scout from a reputable studio...

    it just matters on what you want...

    i say stick to art

  2. Do you need to choose between the two? It sounds like you love both art and playing guitar. If you enjoy both then I see no reason to quit one. But if you really had to quit one for money issues or whatever, I would quit art and stick with guitar playing, but that's just because I love playing the guitar personally! :)

  3. well it seems that art has stuck with you for such a long time and you seem atatched to it. and playing the guitar is a very natural, happy thing for you. and i would rather stick with a hobby that is relaxing and beautiful.

    even though art has taken more of your childhood i think playing the guitar is very much the better choice in your case. who knows, if you become famous or well known you can incorporate a project involving your art. just a thought.

    good luck

  4. Guitar. It seems very promising, and the chicks dig it XD!

  5. Guitar also was a kind of art... try your best and be passion...

  6. Do NOT give up either. You can certainly devote more time to one over the other, but there is no need to eliminate one of them.

    I  also studied both music and art, and my home now is devoted to them both. I probably spend more time playing music, but my art will never just fade away.

    Keep in mind also, that the two can walk hand in hand.

    You don't want to discover one day that you never should have let one go.

    Give it some thought!


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