
What hockey regulars do you miss?

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I miss CME and that Sens guy from a while back. Can't remember his name.




  1. I miss Steve Konawalchuck. He was around for such a long time and had so many accomplishments, he was also a great leader. I don't think the Avs will ever forget him.

  2. Alexei Yashin

  3. LITY and Bob are around but busy, they haven't been gone long enough to qualify as officially MIA.  Sort of like me during the local high school and college playoffs.  I am just happy that my name hasn't been dropped on this question.

    I miss Zam the most.  I would also like to see Puckdat and CME participate more.  Like NIPS said, Zam was good for a laught per day and he was an expert on the tougher side of the game.  Puckdat was great on all-around hockey knowledge and CME was hysterical.

  4. CME and Zam. I just don't laugh like I used to :*(

    Catherine- Youre breaking me heart, and I hope Im missing the sarcasm. Sens Enforcer hated me LOL...

    Know who I dont miss? Chiz and Ice Queen. Not even for a second.

  5. I miss PuckDat the most.

    Oh man, no kidding! Sens Enforcer was big a year ago when the Sens did so well, and then he just stopped.

    TDK - No kidding!

  6. the shadows hold many secrets including the likes of who really has disappeared and who is waiting for questions worth answering... CME was on last week Angie I talked to couple weeks ago. Got to remember many of us have ever changing real world lives and there demands can lead to less time playing online.

  7. ZAM- good for a gut wrenching laugh atleast once a night!  Copas seems to have filled in for him as of late! But I think ZAM needs to make an appearance every once and awhile.

  8. Al MacInnis.. Artus Irbe.. Darius Kasparitius

  9. I miss a lot of people...... I miss Spud alot. He's never around anymore. LITY and BOB have ditched us all fore more important things....and where has our mascot CME been?

    You know who I really miss.....No Dirt. I have only seen him once in the past four months, and he was only here for about a sec.

    Dave also, eve though he was a Flyer fan, he was pretty cool....but I think he said he was leaving us.

    I haven't seen much of Angie in a loooong time. It's been months.

    Oh, yeah...Price Hill Saint, wasn't he the baseball fan too?

  10. Trombass etc.

    Cara (green) Is still alive lol, i have her on msn, but she's pretty busy now from what i understand lol.

    and after Puckdat and Bob had that fued a while back i havn't seen much of Will, but i still email him time to time, i miss him around as well.

  11. clueless nerd

    he's from way back in the day.......

    --edit--seems like some people are not comprehending the question properly

    --TBL-- lol, i mean its pretty clear from the person asking the question unless CME is a former player!

    --trombass-- really?  Hopefully it was a civilized debate and nothing childish cuz you seem like a pretty level headed contributor yourself.

  12. Me and Joe B were just talking on the phone and I mentioned Sens Enforcer. I think he moved out west somewhere and said he would eventually get back here - if he could.

  13. The Captain ...Stevie Y

    Also, Peter Puck.  If any of you know who dat is?

  14. cme put in a rare appearance last week, but I miss the daily laughs.

    PuckDat has also been rare since the beginning of Feburary when he promised to have the crystal ball back from its cleaning in Tibet

    Haven't seen Green in quite a while

    I actually miss The Mocker's Q & A's. I know it was one of Jude's alter-egos, but those were hysterical.

  15. Eric Lindross and Tie Domi

  16. Bob Loblaw

  17. Green and Price Hill Saint. I know that Price Hill Saint had some health issues. I hope he's doing okay

    Kate: yeah, PHS was a TC in both baseball & hockey

  18. Whatever happened to Green?  She was around for a while and disappeared after Christmas.

    And where has PuckDat been?

    TDK: I remember clueless_nerd.  He and I butted heads my first month or so here.

  19. The Great One  and Mario

  20. Definitely Zam and PuckDat, those guys were awesome. CME too. I don't even remember Sens enforcer... I think I wasn't here then.

  21. Green

    I miss Angie as well. I remember her saying that her mom was very very ill and I haven't seen her since then.

  22. Sens Enforcer was a class act, but I'm with the people who miss seeing Bob around. His bitterness and razor-edged comments make me laugh. Then again, I'm not around so much either, thanks to the wonderful occurrence that is moving into my first apartment. The only internet I get is at work, and TV is a distant memory.

  23. LITY isnt here much, but i guess he's crazy busy right now, since its almost off season.

    havnt seen copas in a while, only seen snoop once or twice after he came back. others i havnt seen in a while:

    Laying Low

    1<3 gonchar

    Sharks Baby

    avro arrow

    Mike, what happen to ur top contributor badge?

  24. Stevie-Y - that guy had heart and talent and poured them both on to the ice every night (as recognized by a non-Wing fan!)

    The Great One - so good, that we had to exclude him from hockey pools to make it fair!  Watching what he did on the ice, and what he often did to my Leafs, just made your jaw drop!

    Scott Stevens - has anyone ever hit others harder, more often, than this guy!?  He would stand on the bench with Danyko (sp?) and they would stare at opposing players and growl at them during warm-up!  Then, he would back it up - simply crushing hits!

    Wendel Clark - his wrist shot, his hits, his fights!  Simply a fierce thing to watch when he was healthy!

    Forsberg - when he was healthy!!!  Man, could he ever play the game!  Speed, strength, power, and talent!  Probably the best all-around player I have ever seen... when he was healthy!

      I'm sure there are more... but guys with both heart and talent... those are the guys worth paying to watch!

  25. I miss our original 1st place top contributer, or at least the one that was up there so long I think he was the first one at the top, Les Habitant. I think all of us who have been around for awhile miss him.

  26. I MISS ZAM!!!!

    Sens Enforcer too.

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