
What home schooling do you go through to earn a diploma?

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I had asked about home schooling a few weeks ago. I forgot to add if any one knows of a home school where you earn a diploma after you complete school?




  1. I'm not sure what you mean by the phrase, "after you complete school".  Christian Liberty Academy will give a diploma to those who are enrolled with them.  I think you have to do at least the two last years of high school in their enrollment plan in order for them to give you a diploma.  Actually, you can travel to their headquarters near Chicago and graduate with the class if you want.

  2. You can make your own diploma, or enroll in a home study program, or correspondence school.

    There are many schools out there, one I've interacted with is North Atlantic Regional School.

  3. I will give my son his diploma when he completes my requirements.  He is 15 years old and I expect him to graduate by the time he is 18.  

    We create our own curriculum.

    Our state is homeschool friendly and rules are lenient.

  4. Any parent-teacher can make a diploma for their child.  Some HS'ing programs issue diplomas, but not many.  Public virtual schools (school at home) issue diplomas just like for any other public schooled kid.

    A HS diploma from a parent is just as good as one from a school.  You also would need a transcript and most likely a portfolio, and ACT/SAT testing to attend college.  Or you can start college courses as a high schooler for dual credit.

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