
What homeschool 'course' would you or your teen like to see offered in your area?

by Guest66736  |  earlier

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I'm a homeschooling parent (Dad) who is trying to compile a list of 'dream courses' for homeschoolers in their area. In other words, if you or your child could attend a course to learn something, what would it be? Last year I hosted and taught a high-school level, credited, nutrition and fitness class. We started with 12 students and by the time the semester was up we had over 70 (most of whom had to attend make-up classes). Their parents were also heavily involved.

I'm in the process now of putting together a credited 'automotive basics' class and a couple of others.

What are your wants, desires, dreams?


Rev. Lonnie Honeycutt




  1. Well, I say good for you to become sooo involved. I have found alot of parents once their children hit teendom leave the schooling to them. Althought my son follows a very laidback, "child-led" sort of schooling, most of his education I play some part in at least.

    As a (I believe) well-balanced young man of 16 years he is interested in the following, some of course more then others...may give you some ideas.

    1) definitely automotive/mechanics...even motorcycle repair.

         as well as autobody, custom painting etc.

    2) welding....this is huge, he had a taste of it at the local college, and boy does he want more!

    3) Physics....beyond the basics of grade 11/12. He's studying chaos theory, and other cool stuff. Also chemistry, but not as much.

    4) Yes, construction, plumbing, electricial, home repair, renovations, LOVE LOVE LOVE! all of it.

    5) Agriculture: organic veggie product, animal husbandry etc.

        he has BIG plans to grow chickens for eggs and meat in the spring.

    6) Yes, business management, also finance, money managing, banking and such. Hahaha he currently is reading up about RRSP's (Canada) and trying to figure out where to put ALL he money!

    7) Some sort of Vet technician/assistant kind of course. Knowing how many kids out there want to be vets...that haven't a clue as to what being one entails, I think a look at it before hand would be very beneficial. I'll tell you, my son quickly opted out of wanting to be a vet for farm animals when he helped the vet deliver breech,stillborn, mini goats, and then watched the moma die too. Even now he thinks more about assistant then vet.

    8) I know it sounds odd but Forensics, he has a passion for, I don't know why but I sure if you asked him, it is what his answer would be!

    9) Cook/Baker... my son LOVES to cook---bbq, all sorts of dishes...he once said to me "if he couldn't make it as a welder...he was going to be a chef" lol.

    I think for now thats about it....sure he could add more, he seems to have endless "passions" and ideas. Oh, maybe one more Horticulture, oh and mushroom hunting/identification. Oh yeah and anything "Outdoor Survival" like is right up his alley. You know those "bad kid" shows where they send them in the middle of nowhere. He always tells me he figures he is going to start acting out so I will send him there...or go as a guide! silly silly boy!

    Oh, and I've always thought it to be very beneficial for kids to have skills for employment, like Foodsafe Courses, First-Aid courses, resume building skills, interview skills, things that actaully help them "get" that first job.

    Hope this has helped you.


  2. I'm a homeschooled student. A class I would like to see would be a physical education class because I have put on a few pounds since I've started homeschooling

  3. Well, my daughter would like any class that would involve horses.

    I, on the other hand, would like to see a Chemistry course, complete with labs, offered somewhere so I don't have to worry about blowing up my kitchen two years from now.

  4. I've always wanted to have a class to help kids learn how to speak to a group of people; a public speaking class. We had oral reports at our old homeschool group, and many of the kids would talk behind their paper, have their backs turned to face their display while talking and you had a hard time hearing what they were saying.  I coached my son how to speak in public, and he was the only one who held his paper low while reading it, who made a lot of eye contact, and who stood at the side of his display and pointed to things with a pointer.  I think more kids need to be taught HOW to speak in public and how to be a good speaker.

  5. Precalculus



    Science with Labs

    For the comment about a business course: The Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) allow homeschoolers to open a chapter.  I have been thinking about starting this up in our are next year.  One could also do Junior Achievement.

    Standardized test prep course (the big guys charge an arm and a leg) for ACT, PSAT, SAT.

    Dad's Night Out (there are only two homeschool (teaching) dads in our area.

    P.S. Nice to hear from another homeschool dad - I feel alone sometimes...

    *** Update: An investment club so kids can learn about investing by actually doing a bit.

    Also, in our area we have a Junior Toastmasters.  It is awesome and very popular - with the parents anyway :-).

    These would be more along the lines of short courses / seminars...

    Assertiveness training (ala Dale Carnegie)

    Leadership training

    Time Management

  6. Basic home repair and maintenance, including plumbing, electrical work, drywall, etc.

    How to start your own business (write a business plan, obtain financing, etc.). Basic accounting and bookkeeping.

    We have Financial Peace University for young people and it has been sooooooooo well received.

  7. Cooking was one course a teen I know said she'd love to have. Not just basic cooking, either--she'd love to have a course just in vegetarian cooking or dairy-free cooking (she's milk allergic).

  8. Home management

    Money management



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