
What homeschooling program do u use?

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What homeschooling program do u use? I use Calvert




  1. We don't use any specific program, but the book series "[pick your subject] Demystified" has worked wonders on my kids' math phobias and helped fill their interests in science.  My oldest reads constantly and has learned a lot about writing based on that reading (her spelling has improved just by reading quality literature).

    We use an interest-led approach (some know it as unschooled approach) to learning, which means that we help our kids pick and choose their materials based on their interests. Then we base all their learning on those interests -- kind of like one huge Unit Study, but not overly structured.

    My husband and I have only one daily requirement of our kids and that is to complete a couple sections of math per day. Other than that, the learning is on them.


  2. I'm intending to follow "The Well Trained Mind" but it's very academic so I'm balancing it with Steiner stuff. I see it as a sliding scale, Steiner on one end and Classical Education on the other. As my daughter gets older, the peg will move away from the Steiner, and further down the Classical end. We are also in the SCA, which gives lots of opportunities for learning handcrafts. Also, being a historical re-enactment group we "do" history, we don't just read about it.

  3. We don't. We do our own thing.

  4. Eclectic... pick and choose...

    But we are following a very rigorous college prep plan.

  5. I put together my own "program" for my kids, selecting what I think will work best for each child, each subject.  If we start something and find that its a poor fit, we ditch it and try something else.  Of course my high school aged homeschooler has certain things that she must study by law even if both of us think its a waste of time, but we can still pick HOW we will study them.  :o)

  6. Apologia for science

    James Stobaugh for literature

    I also use math textbooks from my local college, and take Spanish there too.

  7. We actually don't use a specific program. We just use this and that as we come across it. Whatever fits in with what I feel they need to learn and what interests them.

  8. A Beka

  9. iq academy


  11. We use several, but Christian Liberty Press is our foundation.

    We use Sonlight, and Bethlehem readers, Saxon math, Key books for additional math practice in concepts that need it, Write Shop for writing, Wordly Wise 3000 for vocabulary/reading comprehension/spelling, Memoria Press for Latin, Apologia, and CLP for science, and Bible, later for Bible we also include some books from Positive Action for Christ; as you see over the years you will pick what works best for the children; it is on hand when they want it, and when they are ready for it.

    we use a unschooling approach/method for everything but math, reading, and writing; these are done in a more traditional way, but include many games, and other fun ways of applying the math, and in using their writing.

    For the ones that prefer to do the piano on their own, although they do enjoy their lessons, I have Piano for Life on the book shelf; this is a self taught video/DVD series that is really good.

  12. No program. We wing it.

  13. We use an eclectic mixture of materials--I keep skills (reading, writing, grammar, math, spelling) individualized and we do content areas (social studies, science, bible, health, etc.) together and adapt to the different ages of our children. I really like ACSI math. For skills, I monitor a checklist of skills and objectives rather than being concerned with the specific program.

    I use Abeka, Christian Liberty Press, Bob Jones, and ACSI textbooks, as well as DK, Usborne, and library books, as spines and resources for content, but we do the learning in more of a unit study type of approach.

    I have friends who use Tapestry of Grace, which is a classical program. I am considering this for my kids in high school, but haven't really decided yet.

  14. We're "Eclectic Unschoolers".  We pick and choose and learn from everything.  :o)

  15. I use A.C.E.

  16. We use ACE with our 12 & 14 year old.  We like it because student can work at their own pace and need minimal instruction.  Used Thompson Direct for our oldest for H.S. It seemed to designed for adults who just needed a diploma. Not very strong. I do not recommend it.

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