
What homeschooling system did condolleza rice study?

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What homeschooling system did condolleza rice study?




  1. From what I've read -

    Condoleezza Rice was born in 1954, at which time there was no widely published curriculum for homeschooling.  Because of this she was likely educated in a classical or literature based style.

    Her mother took it upon herself to take a year off to homeschool Condoleezza because, though she was able to read at age 5, she was deemed to young for the local school.

  2. It was a private Baptist school organzied by her father as far as I can tell.  He was a Cousellor at a public school and her mother was a Science and Music Teacher and they taught a variety of black students at the Baptist Minsitry until they moved to Colorado and she went to a Catholic High School.

    Prior to that she was trained in a Piano class and had ambitions of being a pianist but wasn't all that fantastic (she is quite good I understand, but not world class).

    She learned French, Music and Figure Skating at the age of 3, probably under the supervision of her father and mother and others in the Baptist congregation.

    The intentionally kept her out of the segregated school system in the South at that time.

    It wasn't until the move to Denver that she got a formal High School education.

    Apparently both her parents had a college education and were certified to work at the local school system.

    She did her undergrad studies at U Denver and her Masters at Notre Dame and finished her PHD In Colorado.

    Until you mentioned it, I was totally unware she was partially "home school" or in this case "undeground" schooled.

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