it's a question game FOR fun. i'm going to post the "rules" of the game (aka what your answer has to include to be considered for best answer). 1: answer 2 out of 3 question. 2: you only get the choices that are given in the question, it's to compare the 4 horses i pick at random. it's a conformation fun game. if you dont want to play, then dont answer. . . if not have FUN with it.
questions: what horse would you get and why? what horse wouldnt you get and why? can you pick out a postive and negitive confromation point on each horse(please list)?
horse 1:
horse 2:
horse 3:
horse 4:
these are all arabs, between 1,000-5,000 dollars.
note:i'm not buying a horse atm, it's a game/fun question.