
What horse would you get and why 5?

by Guest56342  |  earlier

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it's a question game FOR fun. i'm going to post the "rules" of the game (aka what your answer has to include to be considered for best answer). 1: answer 2 out of 3 question. 2: you only get the choices that are given in the question, it's to compare the 4 horses i pick at random. it's a conformation fun game. if you dont want to play, then dont answer. have FUN with it.

questions: what horse would you get and why? what horse wouldnt you get and why? can you pick out a postive and negitive confromation point on each horse(please list)?

horse 1:

horse 2:

horse 3:

horse 4:

morgan horses between the ages of 8 and 12 with somewhat good conformation shots. again priced between 1,000-5,000. sidenote: i pick this price range for a reason.




  1. Horse 2#

  2. Probably #4 as it has the fairly classic old style morgan look. But #1 seemed a bit nicer except it's legs were too short...

  3. Honestly i dont get the game im giving it a shot

    1. i would get Ben No.2 horse. he has had show experience and shows u can ride him. and he is gorgous. he has that cute dopey look. could be too easy other wise there is nothing negative i can say

    2. I wouldnt get daisy because it says u can ride her but no pictures of her actually being ridden. if ur experienced she could be like a project for u to train her

    if thats wat the game was bout there is MY answer

  4. ok here's the my rank of this list starting with the best (and the one i would buy)

    horse 1. clearly the best morgan in this group and has the least amount of conformation "issues". what i don't like about this horse is his huge long head and slight roman nose. i also don't like the angle of his pasturns. he also appears just slightly calf-kneed in the rear but it's hard to tell from those photo angles.

    horse 4. much better head than number one and slightly better shoulder angle, but where's her neck?! she's very short necked. i don't like how low her neck ties in either. morgans are suppost to carry themselves upright in the bridle and her neck is going to make that hard. also has a long underside for a morgan and weak topline. her pasturn angles are very upright. would make for a jarring ride.

    horse 2.  very plain looking. short, unattractive head. has a nice pasturn angle, but he's back at the knee! has some kind of issue going on the rear (looks to be toed-in on one foot and slightly camped out). neck lacks muscle and has that upside down look. shoulder angle is a little steep, but not bad. also has high wither/low back. would make it hard to keep a saddle in place

    horse 3. this horse is a conformational train wreck! it looks like two horses were split in half and re-joined. horrible ugly head, loooong back that seems to go on forever, weak topline, funky thin neck, and no hip! also back at the knee in front and post-legged on the rear. the only good things i can find for this horse is her shoulder is o.k. and her pasturn angles are decent. oh and she has a lot of hair?! (lol)

  5. I like #4 but what do I know.

    Conformation is overated.   Unless showing for conformation.

  6. I don't know anything about Morgans, but I like horse #2 the best, I would of chose #3 but her head/neck are too small for her body!

  7. I dont get what you are saying but I like Horse 1 and Horse 4 best cuz they are the only rideable ones.

  8. I would pick horse number 1 because she has a nice long neck (I ride Western Pleasure) The only problem is that she her legs look very short.

  9. I think 4 is a lovely mare but........very straight in the shoulder, she has the typeist, pretty little head and her pasterns are just as short, she would not be a smooth ride. Her overall balance is there, but i don't like her neck, its either the length or the way it ties in but it doesn't look right. She is sickle-hocked and i don't like her tail head

    the 1st horse is also typey and looks good under tack. His legs are short and he kinda looks like you took a box car and dropped it on 4 stumps. In the first pic his head looks horrible, the second it doesn't, he actually looks good, he has a nice laid back shoulder, nice bodied with a good hip and nice croup, I also like his tail-set. I would choose this horse as my first pick.

    I do not like number 2 and 3 to many faults to even mention

  10. horse #4

  11. i like number one but maybe more a trail/western suitable horse and thats not really what i look for.

    number two i a gawjess horse but buying a horse with all of its training done for you woulded give much satisfaction.

    number three probably my second choice because seems like a spiritful fun horse

    so all up i would chose number four because she is a horse with potail so wouldn't be to hard to train esay to ride and could be used for all age groups!!

  12. i dont get what that person means 1 and 4 are the only rideable ones i lik no 2

  13. #1 then #4. I don't like 2or 3. I wouldn't buy any of them.

  14. I would get number 4.

    Number one's front legs look weird, maybe too short? Back is too long.

    I don't like number two's croup.

    Number three, although cute, her neck is too short.

    So I'd get number 4 because she looks like a good mover, although I don't like her neck and her back is a little long. But she looks alert when being ridden and looks like she enjoys it.

  15. I think the first one has huge-ish arms and his dock is shped wierd to me, like..not rounded like most of them.

    And I relaly liked that second one.

    Its gorgeous, clean, and it has a nice build/body.

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