
What horse would you get and why 8? (halter and western pleasure AQH)?

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it's a confromation question/game, to get considered for best answer you have to answer 2 outta 3 questions. it's based on 4 horses i pick out at random that are for sale, and you cant add in any other horse. they all have some things in common: same breed, close to same age, same price range. it is for FUN, so if you dont like the question/game, then dont answer. Questions: what horse would you get and why? what horse wouldnt you get and why? can you pick out faults and good points of each horse?

horse 1:

horse 2:

horse 3:

horse 4:

these are halter/western pleasure horses, quater horses, and if anyone can answer why so many adds have people standing on their horses? more...




  1. i would pick the second or last one. The other ones are not bread for western pleasure.

    Just so you know you can't have a horse that does western pleasure and Halter at the AQHA level. At that level the Halter horses you don't ride , its all mussel . And people stand on there horse to show that they will stand still, not spook at the wired thing happening to them

  2. I listed them by their add names...BUT #1, Cody doesn't have papers...

    Cody:  I don't like his butt.  Too great a slope to the doc, then kind of a "bump" to the tail.  Also looks like he's a little TOO upright slope wise on his left rear fetlock, and is a bit toed out on it on the straight on shot.

    Kings Extra Chex:  I don't like the way his back legs come off his rump...Like there's no muscle tone on his gaskin...  His front end is a little too underneath him also.  I love his neck and head!  He does move nicely under saddle, if a bit over bent on that snaffle...

    Dan:  I like this horse!  Looks like he's got a short neck and it's set a bit high on his withers, he toes out on the rear.  Looks like he'd go nicely though.  Too bad he's only 14.3 hands.

    Gem:  If it wasn't that she was only 13.2 hands, I'd like the way she's made.  I'd like to see a pic of her without a saddle on.  She's straight legged, relatively clean legged.  Size would do her in at an AQHA show.

    Of the 4, to have something to show at AQHA, I'd have to go with #2, Kings Extra Chex.

    Standing on a horse is like stripping a bridle off and putting a horse though it's paces (I used to do that!) or laying on your horse, it's to show how quiet and broke they are.

  3. Here I am again...sleep a couple seconds and now wide awake's h**l getting old.  If I could sleep at night you couldn't sucker me into doing this, you know.  I think your rules are too hard for old tired people to follow, so I'm gonna just do my best.

    1.Super strong legs and good coupling, and not much else to brag about.

    2.Pretty and sweet looking, but weak looking hind legs and

    very steep croup,  and looks very forehand-heavy under saddle.

    3. Nice deep hocks and not much else to want.

    4. Long cannons and weak coupling....otherwise ok i guess...I'm not liking any of these all that much. Ok her front legs are set back too far, and I cheated and read her info and I forgive her everything.

    If I take into account the information about them, it would influence my thoughts, but this is just on conformation, right?

    It's not right to use the information to make judgements if it's about conformation...right? I think I'd take number 4, just on the overall and she'd be a grandchild project horse.  I cheated and read her stuff because I don't want to really face the truth about her legs, but they are clean so she holds doesn't matter for a grandchildren's learn to love horses kind of thing.  Can you tell I need sleep?

  4. Hi Shadow:  This won't help with any decisions....I would not take any of them.

    Too many conformational faults to make them a pleasure to ride...they'd have a really tough time adopting the lope which is currently required in AQHA pleasure classes.   Slow,  deep movement from behind which requires a lot of slow hock movement and power from behind.   These horses all must be able to track up really well.  

    1.  Hips taller than withers..will move downhill.  Neck set on to high and is too short ... that neck needs to come straight out from his shoulder.

    2.  "Looks" as though this horse will be a dumpy much pudge and old time look to be really competitive in today's WP class.  Hasn't got "the  look", quoting a trainer friend of mine.   A little TB blood would help this horse out 100 percent.  Stretch that frame out.....and will add some class to this horse.

    3.  Neck is set on too high to be able to do want that neck to come straight out from the shoulder.   The horse will just naturally carry is head and neck that way.  

    4.  Just a cute little western horse....appears to have an upside down neck..not classy enough for today's WP classes, AQHA.

    It isn't just the number of conformational faults; it's about movement...that horse has to be able to move correctly,  and it can't  if it's moving down hill, or is a dumpy, short strided mover, or its neck is set on to won't get that sweepy movement in the front end...and a lot of impulsion from the back.  That horse with the high set neck is perfect for working cow horse, not pleasure.   If the horse's neck is set on upside down that pretty profile on the wall won't be yours because of this conformational fault.  A fault thats too easy to see.

    For myself, I'm looking for that classy, conformationally correct horse that I can Pleasure on and show it in our AQHA Performance Halter Classes and place in the top three.

  5. i wont/cant answer the REAL question here.. though the buckskin is the most appealing from just a glance..

    but the standing thing is supposed to show how safe the horse is, but in reality is just shows how stupid the sellers are


  6. ok......

    Horse 1 This horse plain and simple has a FUNKY front end, from his ugly head to his funky neck to his seriously weird front legs, now he does not get any better going into his long back weak topline to his horrible croup and just awful set of hind legs. NO wonder there is no price and only OBO.

    horse 2  I actually like this little gelding, hes put together the best of all of them, just wish the owner knew how to properly fit a show halter, too loose and ill fitting tends to take away from his cute, pretty head. He has a nice neck, shoulder and cute way of going. He would make a nice youth, 4H prospect

    horse 3. This horse has NO neck, short and stumpy along with his pasterns. His shoulder is awful and his neck ties in so high into his shoulder  He is sickle hocked and cow hocked, He seems like he has a decent rear end, nothing to write home about. overall dont like him

    horse4 Is first off a Quarter pony......he/she is only 13.2 This pony screams weak and unbalanced,  This pony is so forehand heavy, you can see it just looking at her, she is heavy, thick and coarse, ugly head, and look at those hind legs, they look like they would snap with a good turn.

  7. most people stand on their horse to show how dead quiet they are but it dont show that is shows how **** stupid the people are..

  8. fresian they have great hair and great movement and great personalitys and they are very great looking

  9. If i were to buy one, it would be the buckskin. broke to ride, lots of training, nice conformation, beautiful color, good age...just what i would be searching for.

    None of the others have a good conformation shots... So its hard to tell...I don't like the first one very much, but then again it may be bad photography.

    Its not easy to give conformation critics without a good picture showing the conformation, so I'll just refrain from answering that one.

  10. I would go w/ #2 he has the best confo, could do english or western, best color...

    #3 looks so bad, his head and neck are WAY too small for his hind end.

  11. I would choose Horse 2 because his conformation is the best and from the description he seems to do everything.  He is still young, and has had experience on the trails which helps in all areas.  The only negative I can see about him is his short tail.

    The horse I would not pick is Horse 3 because he looks too stocky and would be a tank to ride.  Also, the presentation of the ad was not very good.  The photos were not good and he is standing in front of a broken fence.  

    People stand on their horses to show how calm they are and because deep down, everybody wants to be in the circus.

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