
What hostel should I stay at in london?

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What hostel should I stay at in london?




  1. Unfortunately London is not known for it's great hostels.  I have stayed in many and for the most part they are dirty and dodgy.  I would go to and find the one with the highest cleanliness rating in your price range.  If you have not used this site before, it is one of the most reliable hostel locating sites on the web.  Trust the user ratings and comments!

    Specifcally, I would stick to YHA (youth hostel association) hostels in London.  Though you need to pay a small fee to become a YHA member to stay in these hostels, the fee is well worth it since YHA hostels are well maintained, clean and have helpful and friendly staff in London and throughout the UK. There are 7 YHA hostels in London and you can find their locations and more info at the website!  Good luck and enjoy your trip!  Cheers!

  2. the one where you dont get tortured....

  3. I second the recommendation of YHA hostels.  I've stayed at the Earl's Court one several times and it's clean, safe and convenient.  There's one very close to St Paul's Cathedral as well, and one near King's Cross.  Check out and you'll find all the info you need!

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