
What hours does the Tokyo metro system operate? And instructions about traveling?

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I need some advice for how to take the Tokyo metro system, I speak only English, and I also would like to know the hours of operation. Thank you!




  1. As you may know, The system is not free. You need to buy ticket to ride or use pass card(PASMO). No token but the system of  censor checking tickets or cards there is because the fare varies by distance. All stations sell tickets by machine so that you have to prepare cash.

    Yen bills and more than 10 Yen face-valued coins are all acceptable to purchase but 1 Yen and 5 Yen coins are not useful. You'd better have pass card for better convenience.

    The service mainly is operated during 5AM to mid night but early morning and late evening are not in frequently. Weekday morning there are tremendous rush hour scenes everywhere so that you'd better avoid 7AM to 9AM. Afternoon rush is not so heavy but still enough annoyance.

    All trains have air-conditioned accommodation. lavatory is only available at station far from platform but not so clean always and without western style stool often. You must consider it.

    The conductor's announcements(automated) or electric board signs on trains door upper side or station wall in English are commonly so that you don't need to understand Japanese.

    Be careful for pickpockets, luggage thieves, perverted hands and pukes by drunks in the train(especially near midnight). Generally speaking it is safe and convenient transportation to save your time and money. It seldom happens rape, violence or homicide there but still it may happen though.

    You can buy something to drink or eat or read during waiting for train at platform KIOSK shop. At most of subway platforms you can use cellphone , but not in tunnel.

    Some lines of Tokyo Metro have the women only cars during morning rush hours which only allow to ride for women, small children and/or advanced age person. It signs Women Only.

    If you dropped something into rairoad track, never step down to pick up. It is very dangerous because trains come often and no space to hide away from and possible electric shock may happen by side electric rails in some of lines there. Ask station master or staff for help instead.

    The time to stop at station of trains are always very short. Be prepared to get on and off for safety.

    The map could help you where you are and will be  and how come you go by the subway at the best. Some of the station are very deep beneth the ground so that you need to  take escalators long time. You may choose elavator too. Each platform must have one nowadays for advanced age or handicapped person.

  2. Tokyo Metro is operating roughly 5-24, 17 hours a day.

    Check its website for more information.

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