
What house is your pluto in?

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Isn't pluto an intriguing planet? Such mysterious strength and power behind it... I still don't feel like I understand it properly, though.

So... what house and sign is your pluto in and how can you see this affecting you?

I'm very interested to hear about this, so thanks for your answers! Any personal impressions of pluto and it's general affects are also appreciated.




  1. Me:

    Pluto: Libra

    House: 5th house

    Pluto oppose Moon

    Pluto Trine Ascendant

    Pluto Trine Venus

    Pluto conjunct Saturn

    Pluto sextile Neptune

    Its hard to explain , because for some reason I dont feel it just yet.

  2. My pluto is in my tenth house,giving me the ability to influence alot of people.The thing is,i have to use it for good,and that's exactly what I'm doing.

  3. My Pluto (the ruler of my chart) is hidden away in the 12th house of dreams and psychic impression and intense receptivity.  It's also conjunct the Ascendant.

    That gives me mind-boggling dreams, boundary problems, a kick-as*s intuition (believe me, that is NOT fun), and makes me a cosmic "cesspool", ie, a ca-ca magnet of other people's yucky poo-poos.

    Anybody wanna trade?

  4. Pluto in Scorpio in the IX house.

  5. It's in my 10th house in Virgo. This is supposed to indicate having power in the place of career, and great influence on other persons. It also indicates downfalls in the career and having to rebuild again. This has been very accurate in my own case.

    I worked for years at a government research facility in Bethesda, Maryland. I eventually became one of two top researchers there. One day, I found that I was suddenly justifying my existence in the facility, and the next day I was out of a job. I had to move to another location once I found another job, and I am again in a position of power. I'm keeping my options open this time around.

    NOTE: This is very important. The house where Pluto resides shows where you will FIGHT YOUR LONE BATTLES in life. Don't expect a lot of help from others because it won't happen. You might get some help in the beginning, but in the long term you will be fighting the battle alone. This is one of the most important facts to know in astrology.

  6. Hi Sparrowbird

    I have Pluto in the 9th House - Journeys

    I have read in different sources that Pluto in this House tends to lead to a very analytical approach to life - determined to seek truth - very direct....yes, this describes me well!

    Pluto is also in Libra for me... - something about change and inner growth occuring...

  7. I have pluto in the "first house' conjunct my ascendant in my chart,and i feel it's strength very strongly in my personality,because i am the type who can be obsessive about things,and i have a hard time letting things or people go,and when i want something i go after it with full force,and put like everything into what i want,and sometimes that scares me a little because i can go to extremes so much that i make myself almost sick which isn't good at all,but i do it.I have a tendency to push myself really hard with anything that i do,and i won't stop until i get what i want all done or the way i want it done.It's almost like an all or nothing attitude with me even though i have libra as my rising sign.

  8. My Pluto sign is in Scorpio in the 8th house. An eighth house Pluto most likely confers some psychic abilities, or at the very least a deep interest in the unknown. Shrewd business sense and excellent research/investigation skills are also likely, together with a profound attitude towards s*x.

    The fact that Pluto is at home in Scorpio also gives Pluto an abundance of energy. PLUS, Scorpio rules the 8th house, where psychic abilities, death and rebirth, the interest in the occult, and s*x are linked to. This would typically mean I'm "at home" with all these things. They come naturally to me.  

  9. My Pluto is in Scorpio in the 1st house. I feel it's effects on me very strongly. I am very obsessive and extreme about the things I want. I do not let go easily, and I pursue my values relentlessly. I will not let anyone control my destiny other than myself. I can be a bit power hungry and controlling at times, but I am also extremely loyal. I value persistence and strength of character above all else, and I will continue to pursue my ideals regardless of what anyone tells me.

  10. I have Pluto in Scorpio in the 5th house...I'm not completely sure how affects me though...

  11. my pluto's in scorpio in the 12th house. I also have scorpio as ascendant. not sure how this combo affects me though.

  12. scorpio - im pretty sure.

    i don't understand it. but i guess i can be brually honest, passionate and i have a violence in my mind at times, although im not a violent person  

  13. Well like Queen Rach I also have Pluto Scorpio in the 1st house and it's impact on me is a significant one I should say.

    I come off as dark and mysterious, and people either hate me or love me. I'm very obsessive and I value my privacy just as much as I value money. I'm an outcast at my school, but I am also a leader, people look up to me, mostly freshmen and sophomores lol. I'm very secretive and a secret-magnet, and I always keep my word. I'm loyal to the max and I find respect a necessity, without it I find myself worthless.

    My whole generation seems to be revolved around sexuality and violence. My whole school is plagued by stupid kids sexually harrassing eachother and 10th graders getting pregnant is like a trend now-a-days.

    Thanks to Jamie Lynn Spears, kids think that pregnancy is cool.

  14. My Pluto is in Scorpio in the 1st house, because its conjunct my Ascendant it gives me a terrible temper! Im also constantly reinventing myself and transforming my mentality and inner workings. However it also makes me incredibly skeptical and distrustful of others.

  15. Pluto in Libra in the fourth house.

    More in control of my family and my home life I would say.  I makes sure everything here is taken care of well.

  16. I have Pluto in Scorpio in my fist house conjuncting my Scorpio Ascendant,Lilith,And Juno.

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