
What houses are similar or remotely close?

by Guest55559  |  earlier

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having characteristics in common




  1. I agree that there is a similarity between 3/9, but on different levels. There is also the 6th house of general health, and then 12th relates more to the subconscious and mental health. And 2nd is your finances and possessions, and 8th is your partner's finances and possessions.

  2. none are similar. they each rule a different area of life

    1 rules personality that you project to the world or self

    2 rules physical sense, possesions, materialistic stuff

    3 communcation

    4 home and family

    5 creativity

    6 work ethic

    7 romantic relationships

    8 spirituality, death, rebirth

    9 law or religion

    10 career or status

    11 your feelings of community, your friends

    12 end of any cycle in life. secrets

    or something like that.

  3. Each set of houses that are across from each other have similar focus.  The main difference being that houses 1-6 have to do with the self and houses 7-12 have to do with others.  House 1 has to do with relationship with self / House 7 is relationship with others.  House 2 is self's resources / House 8 is other's resources... etc.  Some of the similarities aren't so obvious.  Try it yourself.  Good luck.

  4. There are houses that have some similar themes... but they are still distinct separate entities... The following is very simplified...

    The 7th is about one-to-one relationships, the 8th covers your partner's assets and the 11th is about friends in general... so you could compare those...

    The 10th is about public image, and the 1st is about how you appear... different but the same...

    The 3rd and the 9th are about relatives, but the 3rd is siblings and the 9th is in-laws...

    4th & 10th are about parents, but 10th is dad & 4th is mom...

    So yes, there are similarities, but each house addresses different things... so I would not use them interchangeably.

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