
What/how can a waitress insult a rude customer without loosing her job or breaking rules??? anyone?

by  |  earlier

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i'd lke to know how to get back to some of those nasty, ugly customers out there but without having to lose my job over it.




  1. Ever see the movie Waiting...?  If not, I recommend it---it's raunchy, good fun.  You'll figure out why I suggested it...

  2. Just be 'overly' nice coz then your relly being sarcastic apposed to nice, he/she will no ya trying to be sarccy but they cant prove it.

    If some1 is being a pain in the a** they hate for you to be 'nice' to them!!

      try it  : )

  3. Spit in their food. I would.

  4. Be rude as polite as you can be but still make sure they know that you think they are an *** hole.

  5. Most employers won't tolerate their employess being rude to customers.  If a customer is rude to you, just be as sweet as possible to them no matter how hard you have to grit your teeth.  Maybe they're just having a real lousy day and having you smile at them and treat them nice will make them wake up and realize it's not your fault they're in a bad mood.  But, if it gets too bad, such as the customer grabs you inappropriately, tell your boss and let them handle it.  

    If you insult them when they're rude, many of them will complain to the management about you, and you'll be in danger of losing your job.  Some things just go with the territory of the job you have, and dealing with rude customers without becoming insulting is something that anyone in a service position is going to have to learn to deal with.  If you can't handle it, I'd say it's time to look for a job where you don't have to deal with the public!

  6. I will suggest you just avoid the customer and let him or her be served by someone else if they start getting rude or irate.

    Remember its just a job, dont take any rudeness or insult personal! Unfortunately, in the society we live in, people look down on you if you are behind the counter.

  7. I agree with the first answer.  Kill em with kindness.  It makes them wonder!

  8. Trip when your taking their drinks, or someone else's drink on them and apologize as politely as you can.  Also make sure it looks like a genuine fall.  Nasty customer leaves with wet shirt, feels sorry for you, and revenge has been exacted upon the scoundrel.  I would suggest food as well but make sure its not hot food cause they can then try to sue the restaurant if its too hot.  To play it off even more cry when you fall like if you were stressed out really bad.  They may end up leaving you a bigger tip than they would have before cause they feel bad.    Rude people need to be taught some humility and how stressful waiting on tables can be and that your only human who is trying to make a living too.  Until then prank away.

  9. I used to work for McDonald's and you'd think it's a nice happy place for children, wrong! You still get the rude customers on daily basis. Just be as nice as possible and that way you will make them feel very very little. So when I couldn't take it anymore, I quit my job. Good Luck!

  10. Kill 'em with kindness is the best way to go.

    But if ever the opportunity arrives that you can get the rude customer alone, say whatever you like in a nice tone of voice, as long as no one else can hear you. It will be your word against theirs if they even bother to complain, because the tone of voice and words coming out of your mouth won't match, it will dumbfound the jerk.

  11. kill them with kindness, meaning be ever soooo sweet & friendly, they'll know you don't mean it, but can't complain about it either.

  12. People are always going to be rude. If you want to beat them at their own game - try being nice and smile, even when they are being their rudest.

    But personally if people get under your skin, i would be looking for another job - because sooner or later somebody is going to press your button and your going to explode and do something your going to regret.

    Take my advice - quit while you have your sanity and leave your job on a good note.

  13. Rude customers come with the job; some people never learned how to behave in a restaurant.  They're the ones who as children were allowed to run around in the restaurant and wreak havoc on the staff while the parents ignored them.

    You can't "get back at them" because two wrongs don't make a right.  If they really get out of hand, just stare them in the eye.  Not glare or frown, just stare at them without moving or saying a word.   I call this "The Look" and it's quite effective as a way of bringing rude/nasty/thoughtless people in line.

    Stare at them for a count of twelve, then go about your business with a straight face and professional air.  No customer can complain because you looked at them.

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