
What human intrusions threaten the area of Galapagos islands?

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What human intrusions threaten the area of Galapagos islands?




  1. One of the majestic qualities of the Galapagos is how relatively untouched it has been by human beings.  Only in recent years has there been a human presence so our effects are very new.  Here are some of them.

    Humans brought, goats, rats, cats and other animals onto the archipelago.  Their effects are sometimes devastating to the life on the islands.  They eat the vegetation which makes the food scarce for  the native fauna, thereby endangering their populations.  

    Also, humans have brought non native plants to the islands.  These compete with native plants for resources and sometimes crowd them out.  

    The Government of Ecuador restricts the number of tourists each year but that number is though to increase to raise more money.  Also, there is a small population on the islands, but it is growing which brings added pollution, disease, etc.  

    Finally, there is a constant struggle between the government and the population on how much they are allowed to fish the waters around the islands.  There is a real fear that they could be over fished, thereby, endangering the abundant marine life.

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