
What hurt your heart like never before ?

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What hurt your heart like never before ?




  1. The thought of me thinking about how my boyfriend and I aren't really meant to be together after six years and a miscarriage and already somewhat talked about our future as becoming man and wife.

  2. When I broke up with my first love for a short break that turned into a long break which has turned into us simply being friends... with benefits! But still friends @ that.

  3. When one of my close friend said all  wrong about me with my girlfriend and when she broke up. hmmm cant forget that situation.

  4. When my sister go away from our house.

  5. Not being in the room for my boyfriend when he passed away after being forced out by the doctors and hearing him calling for me yet not being able to go inside.

  6. the loss of my nanna and my aunt

  7. if anyone close to me lies to me about anything, or especially if my husband even thinks of ever cheating on me, it will hurt my heart and i won't ever take him back!

  8. one day spouse asked me wat we r

    wat realition we both are having

    that words really hurted me !!!!!!

  9. Expectations not met from another person hurts.It can be anything from love, life or as simple as a holiday.

  10. when my first gf in grade seven dumped me i didnt where i was headed in life after she dumped me i only knew that i couldnt make it without her and my heart had a piece missin after she dumped me so i called her we talked for awhile and we eventually started dating again now we're twent five and i'm proposing to her

  11. I was always one who never did anything because everyone else did,

    I met this guy, and fell in love with him, I told him that of course past relationships they had gone wrong, he told me to trust him, that he was different. I fell for him, I loved him, continuously though, i would catch him hurting me, ex: cheating, lying, we never went out.

    When i met him, he didnt have a job, lived with his aunt, and had no car, i didnt care though, because we couldnt do much, we spent a lot of time talking, going to parks, and sorts,

    I fell in love with him further,.

    we made plans to be married and start a family, he promised he would always be there, that we would be a family.

    Of course he got his car and a job.

    but then the lies started, the cheating, the tears and the heartache.

    but i was in love with him.

    i always took him back.

    I did end up pregnant, and he moved in.

    I even caught him cheating while i was 5 months pregnant.

    although, not physically cheating, he would conversate with other girls, that were obviously interested in him, they would practically throw themselves at him, i would call them and they said that they didnt care he had a girl, or a baby on the way!!


    it hurt my heart.

    iit hurt my heart, during , and after the pregnancy,

    because i was naive, i believed his words always,

    and our daughter didnt get to walk into a 'parents'; store and pick her mom and dad.

    why is she caught up in the statistics of not having a mother and father under the same roof? why does she fall into the category of a broken home???

    I dont want to put another man in his place, shouldnt she have her birth mother and birth father raise her? i know ppl have happy stories about things working out like that all the time,

    but i want her to have her birth mother,birth dad under the same roof, happily being a family.

    is that so d**n much to ask for? its not like i ever lied about anything to him.


    ive never cheated on him, nor given him reason to question me.

    all ive ever wanted was a family, thats all i ever asked him for.

    and he knew that, never have i changed that.

    and still he couldnt give that to me.

    I love my daughter with every single beat of my heart, my everything, she is my life!

    and i wish i could give her so much more than what i alone can.I wish, i were enough for him, there is nothing that i didnt do for him, i guess in the end it was either too much or just not enough, d**n i was tired! working full time,

    and just a new mom, and then on top of that dealing with him and his childishness/selfishness.


    thats what breaks my heart, that i fell in love only to be played, that i brought an innocent person into this world, not alone, but now she's mine alone and she deserves more than that, she deserves so much more than what i can get her, and i cant do it on my own.

    i am,

    but i wish i had his help,

    i never impregnanted myself,

    why was it his plan to start a family, his promise, his words?

    but as soon as he gets tired, he can walk away???

    if i was never enough for him, then why did he get me this far just to leave me???

    i dont get it?

  12. when my grandpa died and relatives suspected that my aunt had a role in it...  

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