
What hurts the most when getting a c section?

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I go this Wednesday to make a c section appointment, I'm very nervous. I was wondering if anyone had prior experience and could tell me what they thought hurt the worst, also if they have information that they think would be helpful for me... basically looking for someones personal experience that they have had.




  1. I had a c section with my daughter and am about to have another one with my son.  There might be some pain after your surgery but it doesn't last that long and as long as you do what the doctor says you'll be fine.  with my daughter by the third week after I had her I was starting to feel better and was able to do things as usual..(i still took it easy though).  My doctor told me that being in shape before getting pregnant helps you heal faster.  and also exercising while pregnant like swimming or taking walks (just don't overdue it).

  2. I've had one..

    But my friend told me that the worst pain was the recovery..

    good luck !

  3. Just so you know, someone wrote that you get your stomach muscles cut during a c-section and this is not true.  They move the muscles to the side to get to your uterus.

  4. Recovering hurts the worst. Moving any muscles in your abdomen hurts for about 1 week. Walking hurts.;...

  5. It doesn't hurt during it's the recovery period tha tis painful. Your abdomen and muscles underneath have been cut open and it's considered major abdominal surgery. Coughing, sneezing, laughing are the worst. I recommend putting a pillow against your stomach for pressure or you can buy a post c-section support product that wraps around you and it helps tremendously with pain and in supporting your belly as it goes back into shape.

      During the surgery itself all you'll really feel is some pressure and tugging.

  6. Recovery is bad, but by far the worst is getting out of the hospital bed the first time to use the bathroom.  When the nurses say "let me help you, don't use your abdomen" they mean it.

  7. Recovery hurt the worst.  Take it easy and for the first week have someone with you to help out with simple things like lifting your baby and helping you into and out of chairs.

  8. Getting the IV was the worst for me! They had to poke me so many times  I was in tears. But I'm hard to get IV's in, or blood drawn.

    The recovery can be quite painful. Just follow their instructions, take your pains meds and make sure you get up and moving around, but don't OVERDO it.

    Just a warning, after your c-section, the nurse will come in to massage your uterus and feel that it's going back into place. It's not pleasant and I was totally taken by surprise when they did that with my 1st c-section. I almost punched the nurse- wondering what the heck she was doing pressing so hard on my tummy so shortly after the procedure. W/ my second son, I knew it was coming so it wasn't as bad.  

  9. For me, it was a tie between getting my tummy massaged to make my uterus contract after surgery and getting up to walk for the first time. The surgery itself isn't that bad, but some aspects of the recovery are rather painful. None of it is THAT bad. Good Luck to you!

  10. do you really want to know what hurts? i mean, then you would be expecting it and it would be so much worse becuase you were expecting the pain.  

  11. the most painful part when I had my C-section was when they we're administering the epidural at my spinal! God! It really hurts! but after that, everything will be alright. The next time you will feel any pain will be during your recovery period and it would still be at the spinal. You won't feel any pain on your wound since you're still on anesthesia and i'm sure, they will give you pain killer just in case you will feel any pain on that area. Hope I gave you enough info on that! Good Luck and enjoy your baby!!

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