
What i do doesnt seem bad but when i look back on it i seem like a bad person and im only 14?

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Im only 14 remember. I went on vacation and a week after i had been hanging out with this guy who was 17 and we started making out everyday. On the last day he fingered me and it almost became more then that. Ive made out with at least 4 or 5 different people. Kissed maybe over 20 people. Ive had at least 10 boyfriends. I went swimming at 1 in the morning in my underwear with a boy 2 years older then me. A boy cheated on his girlfriend with me. I drink sometimes enough to feel buzzed but not tipsy. I m********e. I snuck out and went on a date with an 18 year old. I also really wanna have s*x and i know somebody i could get to do it with me but i dont wanna get pregnant. I really dont feel like a bad person when i do this but when i look back on it it seems like i am so messed up. What do you think?




  1. Allison, I'm sorry to say this, but you're going to h**l.  You have violated the most holy laws of every world religion, and the deities of this world have no forgiveness for someone as despicable as you.  You might as well embrace your fate, as there is no redemption for someone as vile and evil and yourself.  I'm sorry that so young a girl had to meet such a fate, but the weak members of humanity are doomed to fail from birth, and you have shown yourself to be nothing but weak.

  2. Honey, it sounds like you're looking for something that'll fill an empty hole in your life. s*x and drugs are not it. You'll regret having s*x before you're married, believe me. So many people say that it's worth waiting for. I'd wait. You need to get your life straight, think about your future. It is so easy to catch an STD these days, and your virginity would be something that someone else special would have to have, not some random guy. It's a part of you. Imagine at your wedding, you couldn't give your true self away to that man. If you gave all you had to him, everyone that you've had s*x with would have to be up there with you too. You're only 14 honey. If this keeps up, your future will be messed up. Try attending a church to get your life straightened out. You'll even feel a lot better about yourself. I've had a lot of bad things happen in the past with my family and abuse and all, and I turned to God to fill the hole in my life. Before that I cut myself, and I cried myself to sleep every night. But God gave me a reason to live. Keep in mind, I'm only 15. A year older than you. If he can help me, he can help you. Please take this to thought. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can email me, okay?  

  3. Let your conscience be your guide. If you are having misgivings about your behavior you probably don't think that it is appropriate either. I am not about to judge you one way or the other. Just remember that any and all actions have consequences. Some good and some not so good.

  4. It's definitely not safe behaviour. The masturbating part is fine. Everyone masturbates, even people younger than you.

    But you need to have more respect for yourself. Why do you do this? With so many different guys? Do you like the attention? Do you actually really like the guys? The s*x?

    I remember when I was younger I was so mesmerized by the idea of someone liking me I would let them do whatever they wanted to me. I didn't realize that at the time I really didn't want to do anything with someone I didn't care about. Sure, I was curious. It's natural for anyone your age to be curious. But you don't need to be doing all that stuff with every guy you meet. Part of being an adult is being mature enough to make smart, informed decisions about s*x and other adult things like drinking. The things you're doing are not necessarily bad, it's the circumstances under which you're doing them.

    You're not a bad person. I think you're just misguided. Isn't there someone you can talk to, like a parent, adult friend, aunt?

  5. Maybe is you actually thought about this,you would realize that you shouldnt be doing stuff like this at sucha  young age. Making out is okay as long at you know when to stop.

    Think about it like this.If your not able to say no to things that aren't appropriate for your age,then YOUR WEAK. and you don't want people to think your weak,do you?

  6. Allison let me be the first to say Thank You!!  I thought I was bad and read your post and you're the biggest s**t I have read about on yahoo answers to date, this boosted my self esteem dramatically.  I went from being a lil depressed to being overjoyed.  My life can't be that bad.. I don't have STDs, I have morals, and I don't drink underage.  I think you should be on Maury Povich, that'd be a good episode.  Either change or go down the road of s**t Boulevard where the only thing at the end of the road is premarital s*x (SIN), STDs (GROSS), and babies out of wedlock (SIN)... it is your choice Allison go left at the fork in the road to normal.. or continue straight down s**t blvd, it is really up to you... but all I can say is GROSS if you go straight.

  7. Don't listen to the first reply, you're not going to h**l.  He's stupid.

    If you see that what you've done is wrong and you want to change, then it's so easy to do so.  You can turn your life around if you're willing.  You haven't made the best choices in the world, but there are worse things a person can do.

    You're young, you have your entire life ahead of you.  If you feel guilty about what you've done in the afterfact, then it's probably not something you should do again, because you're too young to live with that kind of guilt.

    Wanting to have s*x is a natural feeling, but you should probably wait until you've found someone you REALLY care for to do it with.  Not just anyone.

  8. you're not going to h**l but the choices your making aren't exactly the smartest. i'm 19 now so i remember being your age and being really curious about guys and with hormones racing it's hard to have self control but sometimes the best thing to do is say no so yuo're not putting yourself at risk of getting pregnant and/or getting STD's. yuo're young and you're allowed to make mistakes. it's good that you can see the bad decisions you've made in the past cause it can help you protect yourself. i'm not saying never makeout or do stuff with a guy again just not with every guy that seems interested. you're too young to be drinking because you're body can't process it as well as an adult and i'm not your mom telling you to stop either, just be aware that what you do affects you whether its affecting your body or your mind.

    you're not a bad person you're just young and you're gonna go through these things.just be smart and learn to say no so you can protect yourself. there is no rush to grow up trust me. good luck and stay safe.

    idk if you've ever seen the movie 'thirteen' but there's a movie you should watched called 'kids'. it seems really extreme but the scary part is the stuff that happens in the movie really can happen in real life.

  9. If you're looking back on it and dislike it, then you aren't a bad person. There's nothing you can do to change what's in the past. It makes us what we are today. If you don't like who you are becoming, then you're only 14 and you have plenty of time to change.

    For what it's worth I personally believe that you aren't a bad person, but maybe you shouldn't be getting involved with guys older than you.

    Dont worry about it, and I hope this helps,


    Edit: Don't listen to Braids, he sounds like a complete idiot, and probably doesn't even believe what he's saying himself.

    And FYI Braids she hasn't voilated every religion. The American Indians encourage being promiscious, and Jesus forgives your sins anyway, so what does it matter?!

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