
What i really want to know is .. Is New Zealand an american allie?

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What i really want to know is .. Is New Zealand an american allie?




  1. okay mike is obviously an idiot. Everyone knows that ANZUS fell through when we went against nuclear power. This is because America disaggreed with our option and so the trety fell through. So ANZUS no longer exists. But we are hoping that america has forgiven us for as a few weeks ago there was a meeting with Winston Peters and Condeleza Rice and she said some random stuff about New Zealand and America becoming friends again, blah blah balh. now everyones getting excited about that. But if everyone actually read their history books or lidtened to their teachers they would know that last time we had a treaty with America (ANZUS) we almost got kicked out of the commonwealth.

    Wikipedia is also useless, the people who write those article probably also live at home with their mothers and also write the section on star treck in Wikipedia, or how to rise 50 lvl on runescape in 10 mins on wikihow. Oh yea and it also said that Rosa Parks was born in 2013 instead of 1913 but at least they have cleared up that error.

  2. The short answer is - yes.

    New Zealand is part of a defensive alliance in the Central and South Pacific region, along with Australia (refer ANZUS treaty) and has (contrary to popular belief) military forces engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The US also works alongside NZ in Antarctica (the US has no territory in Antarctica and thus relys on allies to accomodate its base).  Christchurch, the main city in the South Island of NZ, is also the support hub and gateway to the US Antarctic program.

    NZ also operates the Waihope sattelite communication monitoring base - which conributes to ECHELON - a global electronic and signals intelligence system which shares information among the Intelligence agencies of NZ, US, UK, Canada and Australia.

    There have been superficial strains on the NZ/US relationship since  NZ declared itself a nuclear free country.  

    The nuclear free policy requires the US declare any nuclear weapons on board visiting warships - something the US navy refuses to do (a neither confirm or deny policy).  As such US war machines have been prohibited from entering NZ waters ever since the early 1980's.  Some in NZ feel that this is a statement - a signal that NZ is a peaceful soveriegn nation that wants no part of nuclear anialation (these views were also reflected in a number of US cities in the 1980's through the establishment of nuclear free zones).

    Internally and indiviually, New Zealanders views the US no differently from views held by US citizens of their own country (ie some dont approve of President Bush, foreign policy surrounding Iraq; while some do; etc etc).

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