
What i the solution to global warming?

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What i the solution to global warming?




  1. More cowbell!!!

  2. Stop driving, or wait till all of us idiotic humans are killed, and hope that there is some life left that we won't end up killing.

  3. ok we plant a lot of trees and plancton and any thing that cleans the air. then we limit the comsumption of fule

    like a diet but for the enviroment

  4. Why would we want a "solution". The warming planet is beneficial to most life forms, and the higher CO2 levels promote vegetation to grow.

    Now global cooling, that sucks.

  5. CLICK THIS=  FIRST get a salvage license, then get your friends at school, clubs etc. get equiptment and safe training and then extract the sands of time that man has never touched forever and what treasures you find your salvage license assures that their yours to sell or what-ever and at the same time your helping to delete global warming, also helping in lowering the oceans from engulfing our country.  have a nice day.

  6. Scientists just reported the greatest amount of ice in 25 years in the arctic and antarctic so it is likely that it only exists in the minds of the believers.

    "     Don’t expect to hear this reported on the your evening newscast, but according to new data, sea ice levels in the Southern Hemisphere are at 25-year highs.

         “On a global basis, world sea ice in April 2008 reached levels that were ‘unprecedented’ for the month of April in over 25 years,”:"

    That was since records on sea ice were started by the way 25 years ago.

    When I searched for this all I found was talk about how this was going to be the fastest melt.  I suppose more ice melts faster but I smell an agenda.

  7. this is about global warming, it is going to be a global freezing if we don't stop it. the particles in Etheline gas will mix with the particles in the air, creating a barrier around the earth. eventually, this will form a thick enough barrier around the earth  to block of our access to the sun, cooling down the earth, CREATING A  SECOND ICE AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Educating people so that they realize that is not man-made and they do not waste efforts trying to change nature and the universe.

  9. There isn't a solution to global climate change.  The climate warms and cools in cycles.  The effect that humans have on this process is a debatable topic.  

    The responsibility of every person is to do whatever they can to leave the smallest effect on the environment.  Conserve water. Minimize use of electricity.  Minimize the amount of garbage produced and recycle as much as possible.  Protect forests and wildlife.  If each person did their part, nature will take care of the rest.

  10. 1 stop using over energy resources any of them

    2 Stop air pollution like emmission of CO2

    3 Plant more trees i.e. stop uncontrolled civilisation

    4 Try and reduce petroleum product usage

    5 Be more civil

    6 just care 4 earth as u do for yourself and ur house

    These are all we can do on personal level. doing all these will surely help our earth heal and let our next genx to live their life. if u want scientific details go to other people answers.

  11. well, is it a complex prolbem. the biggest thing is everyone runs there cars and the gasoline makes things really hot outside. so this means you should probalby ride ur bicycle!!!!!

  12. step 1.


    our crabon emmisions are already dropping, with all the hippies and democrates you can just lay back and watch the world cool.

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