
What ia the role of a special education teacher to her pupil's transition program?

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What ia the role of a special education teacher to her pupil's transition program?




  1. Transition to employmnt?

    Teach the skills necessary according to the IEP to maximize the students vocational protential.

  2. Special Education teacher or what ever teacher- their role in education is only facilitator.

  3. In Texas, our transitional program starts at 16. There will be an ARD/IEP meeting before the child's birthday where the teacher will present new IEP goals based on what the student will do after graduation...normally vocational, but it differs if the child is severely handicapped. If it is appropriate for the child, they give input on their goals depending on their interests and they can attend the meeting with their parents/guardians. Other than that, the responsibilities are pretty much the same as any other IEP/ARD meeting.

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