
What ideas do you have for breaking down the racial barriers that exist between people today?

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what ideas do you have for breaking down the racial barriers that exist between people today?




  1. I thought there had not been any racial barriers as about me treating others and I really got on well with other race people - but then a really so called cultural shock happened in my relationship and I wished I had had some barriers so I  would not get hurt so much. My idea is to slow down this globalization and to state the rule for keeping and obeying the origin culture of the country for whoever incomers.

  2. First off, it comes with acceptance.  Blacks accepting whites for who they are, and visa versa.  Second, you have television channels dedicated to Black Entertainment (BET) and college courses that are dedicated to teaching Black History.  While this is all well and good, you can't segregate your interests while expecting all men to be treated equally.  Whites are the same way (i.e. KKK, skinheads, etc.)  In order to be accepted for being a human being, all races have to drop the fact that you are black, white, asian, etc. etc.  and just LIVE!  I look at no one for what they look like, but who they are.  If all felt the same way, racial barriers wouldn't exist.

  3. Stop talking about race, stop hiring preferences, stop asking about race on forms.

    if we ignore race people will see that it's irrelevant, stop the media from labeling people as "(insert race) community leader"

    as long as there is a Hispanic community, a Black community, a White community, or even a g*y community people will feel segregated and as long as we identify as part of one of these groups the barriers will stay up.

    the ONLY way to get the racial barriers to come down is for EVERYONE to ignore the barriers

  4. I believe that as long as there are cultural differences...there will be racial barriers.  Because...the norm is for people to distance themselves from those who are not like themselves.

    I also believe that until there is truly a level playing field...that there will always be racial barriers...What I mean by level playing field is...that all people are treated exactly one group receives advantages another does not....

    It seems an impossible dream....doesn't it.

  5. The barriers are being broken down by the children growing up at this moment, they are the ones raised with other children of different cultures, ethnities and backgrounds. It has to start from a new generation because these kind of schemas, are prossessed during childhood, and its kind of hard for an adult to change their schemas they developed as a child.

    ***Iv'e heard from many people, that BET isn't about promoting Black enterainment anymore, but mroe so of a commercialized television network, which has people promoting now to boycott it.

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