
What idiot names their kids Bristol, Willow, Track, Piper, and Trig?

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Their not real names!

Willow- a type of plant

Track- what you run on

Trig- what you push to shoot a gun

Bristol- what you name a knocked up teen




  1. Well Mary...some people want to be original.

    Nice little dagger with the pregnant daughter there.....your mom must be so proud of you.

  2. Jealousy doesnt look good on you at all..

  3. they sound like characters out of To Kill a Mockingbird

  4. "Bristol-what you name a knocked up teen" Good one!!!!

    P.S. it's also a 1/2 mile racetrack in Tennessee.

  5. what kind of idiot? hmmmm the first female running for VP???? lol...

    OBAMA 08  

  6. The kind of idiot who thinks she is capable of running a country when she isn't capable of parenting her own children, and, all of the OTHER idiots who would consider voting for her, or her pathetic old running mate...


  7. I know ... sounds like something a hippie liberal would do.

  8. Actually, you PULL the trigger. What would you have named them, my dear?  Barack? Nah, that sounds like a place muslims like to blow up. Hussein? No can do...sounds like the terrorist that blows up the barack.  Obomma, Naw, that sounds like what the terrorist uses to blow up the barack.  Guess we'll have to stick to Trig, Track, Willow, Piper, and Bristol.  

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