
What if Congress gives amnesty to the illegals?

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And it look like it will--regardless of who becomes President--doesn't that dilute the value of all immigrants who have followed the immigration laws and natural born citizens?




  1. Reagan did it it the 80's - and I do not remember anyone feeling devalued because of it.

  2. The Congress will give amnesty,why not with the big pay checks that they get .They are not like the people that jobs are taken from and can not get help.If you are illegal h**l you can get most anything but if you work and pay taxes then you are out in the cold.I know several senior's that can not get a dam bit of help because the draw 10.00 to15.00 to much a month,but if you are illegal you can get most anything.

  3. Does it matter ?

  4. Yawn....defeated 4 times in the past year. How then does it look like it will pass to you? It sure doesn't look that way to me.

  5. Well first of all IF it does happen this wouldn't be the first time it happened.  Wasn't it under Regon that this happened before?  And second, the thing people don't realize is the reality of this situation.  The immigration process is not as easy as it was ten years or so ago.  It is time consuming and fianancially a nightmare.  That said, the day laborers who we are talking about cant afford the high cost of legal immigration, therefore they come here illegally.  Does that excuse breaking laws?  NO!  However immigration reform is nessesary and as American people we should demand more from our elected officials.  Amnesty wont happen in my opinion because it never works.  It will not take care of the illegal immigration.  If we grant amnesty to those already here, more will continue to come.  The problem wont likely go away anytime soon if ever.  We are the melting pot, and granted lately we are the illegal melting pot, however there is also a humanitarian asspect of this mess often over looked.  

    Our political leaders want illegal immigration.  It helps keep costs low on some of our food (harvested vegtables etc.)  It gives us tax money which contrary to popular belief does even out generally the cost per input of tax monies by illegal immigrants.  

    Illegal immigrants if paid by check DO pay taxes contrary to what other seem to think, however they do not recieve a rebate or stimulas check.  That said, our political leaders want them here.  Otherwise something would have been done long time ago.  

    Its a mess with no easy fix, and I doubt our generation will see an end to mass illegal immigration.  

    Amnesty is not the answer, immigration reform and border security is the only way.

  6. Whatever you think of Amnesty (I am strongly against it) consider this: When will it end?

    What's going to stop millions more from coming here illegally?

    At what point are we going to say, this is our country, don't cross that line or we'll jail you.

    More Americans are killed daily by illegal immigrants than die in the Iraq war daily. Happened to see two illegal Mexicanos on a cop show, overpower a single cop, whip out pistols and fired about 10 times each at this poor cop, nearly killing him. He survived luckily.

    Who's gonna stop guys like this if we keep letting em' in.

    There's no control and to give amnesty basically admits that and says come on in.

    All other aspects of our country are regulated by law. If you let this go, the USA will be over and pandamonium will reign supreme ..even more than it is NOW.

  7. yes. It would not be a good thing

  8. They are here inside the country working, raising families, shopping and paying taxes, What would be the difference of granting them or not legal documentation?

  9. What if the sky was pink  not blue. What if the ocean was desert not water. What if man was immortal not mortal. We'd adjust accordingly and the same applies to amnesty of illegals.

  10. No it doesn't. What if we stopped turning a blind eye and taking advantage of the illegal labor, now that would be a surprise to me.

  11. The value of immigrants who have followed immigration laws, yes. Natural born citizens didn't have to do **** though.

  12. Round them up and send them home,plant landmines,cheaper than fences.

  13. Yes, it would be a slap in the face to all the immigrants that did it the right way. And a reward for the criminals that did not think they had to obey laws. Amnesty should never be given to them again and Americans are more aware now of the consequences now then they were in the 80's. If they are given amnesty, look out is all I can say because the voice of Americans is NOT to give it.

  14. first off, congress will not do that again. all of these racist people such as lou dobbs call any type of path to citizenship amnesty. even if all of the money will come out of the immigrants' pockets. I say first secure our borders, and then if any illegals have a criminal record, deport them, but let those who have stayed out of trouble, payed taxes, learned english, and are either in school, and/or working (basically those who are a contributing member of society) Give those people a way to EARN citizenship.

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