
What if D.C. was rallied by alien abductee's?

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What if alien abductee's and alien witnesses and believers "truthers" which is around 14% + of Americans got together and marched for full alien disclosure, could it work? what would happen? why hasn't it happen yet?




  1. Take a look at the million man march. (just google it) Did they get what they were asking for?

    Actual government disclosure won't happen until a] an alien craft lands on the white house lawn or b] h**l freezes over.

  2. a about 2 months ago the Vatican authorized its church members that it was all right to believe that their are Aliens, because of so many of them asking questions and seeing them~!

    and any more throughout the week either History Channel, Discovery Channel, and even the Travel Channel are showing evidence of UFO's and their research!

    i assume they are trying to gradually bring this info into our lives~!

  3. Not a bad idea.......I was seeing on tv new footage and alien autopsy the other day. I've had personal encouters of the mysterious kind.  Its one of those thinks you have to experience in order to believe it.  Your best bet is getting a website dedicated to a rally,  I think they are groups for open disclosure of documentation.   Much to my dismay if you go to youtube you will see that much has already been disclosed.  

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